The glass - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 07-29-2002

I didn't say I believed, I just wanna fuck her... jeez.

You have much to learn my little concubine.

- Kid Afrika - 07-29-2002

Quote:I don't have a faith. I suck.
Did froy hack jack's account?

- Buttmunch - 07-29-2002

Quote:but, but, I'm jewish too...
Yeah, but you're one of those "Russian" Jews.

They don't count.

- GonzoStyle - 07-29-2002

Quote:Yeah, but you're one of those "Russian" Jews.

They don't count.

Half jew, uncle tom!!!

- Keyser Soze - 07-29-2002

hoo hoo

- Cunt-Twat - 07-29-2002

Quote:but, but, I'm jewish too...
i believe in polygamy!!