The end of a phase - Printable Version

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- Gooch - 07-31-2002

if he's drinkin', ask him where he's peein'. :-D

- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

Quote:The World According to Gar....I mean Kid.

- LZMF1 - 07-31-2002

we're all happy for you may.:thumbs-up: :toast: :fuggin:

- Keyser Soze - 07-31-2002

Kid Afrika is Dana Dillion if you replace the fake ailments with fake arguements.


- Hybrid - 07-31-2002

myron isnt that hard to remember is it :disappointed:

- Sluggo - 07-31-2002

Alright May...
I guess we've got some celebrating to do...:fuggin:

- Zootybang - 07-31-2002

Quote:I apolagize for not writing down every persons name on here
Oh great. If you're gonna go all alphabetical, I'm fucked.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-31-2002

Psst...Zooty...if you keep posting at this alarming rate, someone is going to have to change your status again.... ;-)

I know if I should say congrats to Maynard, so whatever it is you think should be said, pretend I said it. By the way, can you not post sappy threads when my hormones are outta whack it made me tear up.... :disappointed:

- Zootybang - 07-31-2002

Ssssh polly. No one seems to notice. Dont draw un-needed attention.

- DGW - 07-31-2002

i wish
nothing like running into the CEO of your company when buzzed

- Luna - 07-31-2002

Quote:By the way, can you not post sappy threads when my hormones are outta whack it made me tear up.... :disappointed:
I think we're in sync, Polly! :lol:

- OAS - 07-31-2002

Luna and Polly are both that way?Confuseduicide: It's going to be a bitch'n week around here. Undecided

- DGW - 07-31-2002

I gave up pissing on churches.
It's not all it's cracked up to be

- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

Quote:Ssssh polly. No one seems to notice. Dont draw un-needed attention.

pssst zooty, I see you!!! :loveya:

- Sluggo - 07-31-2002

:lookatme: Zooty...
If you want me to change your status again...
Just PM me and I'll figure something out for you...Rolleyes

- FNMoron - 07-31-2002

If you want me to change your status again...
Just PM me and I'll figure something out for you...
Is that one of the form letters you sent to Bob?

- GonzoStyle - 07-31-2002

sluggo if we put our collective brains together, we may be able to figure something out. Even with half a brain.

- Zootybang - 07-31-2002

Quote:If you want me to change your status again...
Just PM me and I'll figure something out for you
See what you started Polly? Now I'm fucked.
Thanks guys, but I know better. I'm fine just the way I am.

- Sluggo - 07-31-2002

Don't blame polly...
I've got my eye on you...;-)

- FNMoron - 07-31-2002

Quote:sluggo if we put our collective brains together, we may be able to figure something out. Even with half a brain.
:angry: :angry: :angry:
that's my line, dammit :angry: :angry: :angry: