The new threat? - Al queda chemical weapons - Printable Version

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- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

Training for Urban Warfare

This worries me more than the chemical attack tape. This one shows they are prepared to systematically attack a small US city, even house by house and bridge by bridge.

- Spitfire - 08-21-2002

I love this website, it's the best there is for "real" sorts through all the bullshit Common Dreams

Seven Fallacies of the US Plans to Attack Iraq

Time's Now to Speak Out on War

The Al Queda wouldn't last 20 minutes in South Central LA, the Bronx, or anywhere in VA. I think we would fight them to the death for our land, they would never succeed

- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

Quote:The Al Queda wouldn't last 20 minutes in South Central LA, the Bronx, or anywhere in VA. I think we would fight them to the death for our land, they would never succeed

But, their arrogance is unlimited. Just think about a 2-4 minute police response time, minimum, and how much can be accomlished in that short a time. And how many random shootings accurred just in NYC in the last few days with the gunman getting completely away, at least for now.

I'm not saying their going to attack like that lousy Chuck Norris movie "Invasion USA" or anything. I'm saying random attacks for the sole purpose of creating panic and terror are possible.

- OAS - 08-21-2002

The 9/11 attacks were the largest, most sophisticated and coordinated attack ever carried out by a terrorist group. It demonstrated their resolve to take their war to any level. We have been combating Muslim extremists since the early 70's. We have known the threat they present all along. They want to bring their war to American soil. They will stop at nothing. They will adapt, be far more patient than we can ever be and they will plan bigger and better. Every one of them are prepared to die for their cause. Terrorizing the Americans to stay in their homes, to bring the US and world to economy to it's knees is their ultimate goal.