That old gag. bring one, bring all - Ken bring yours too. - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 08-20-2002

Quote:you would do it for free.

That's it? That was the big reply, that is all your genius mind could conjur up? ugh. Rolleyes

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 08-20-2002

I was shocked not to see this one before I posted...

K1d = mod??

teh funney
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- Metalfan - 08-20-2002

Gee, isn't junior on the ball this morning :disappointed:

- Danked - 08-20-2002

Yuo no funney. Confusedneak:

- Metalfan - 08-20-2002

Tank yuo, o luord of teh funney :bow:

- Danked - 08-20-2002

Must sacreficee teh tomatoe to the JEFFK god.

- Metalfan - 08-20-2002

teh souoner teh betterer

- Sloatsburgh - 08-20-2002

! 0vvn5 L337 h4x025!

- Danked - 08-20-2002

Yuo beter at teh JEFFK-speak than me.