What did i learn today? - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2002

I learned when arpi left the board suddenly got a lot better.

- Hybrid - 10-29-2002


- Cunk - 10-29-2002

Quote:I learned that my company's largest competitor has a website that makes ours look like it was designed by a five-year-old - and the guy in charge of it thinks it should stay that way for "functionality over looks", and because "hey, not everyone has a high-speed connection".
Blech. Serif fonts are SO early '90's.

Does he make a living as a "web designer"? Cause if so, then I learned I'm working too hard for my paycheck.

- virgingrrl - 10-29-2002

i learned that when people say they are going to help you with things, its all a big lie.

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2002

Quote:i learned that when people say they are going to help you with things, its all a big lie.

That's the truest thing I read in the whole thread, Damn straight.

- virgingrrl - 10-29-2002

Quote:That's the truest thing I read in the whole thread, Damn straight.

yeah for me!11! momma said she would help me move all the furniture back in to my room that i moved out at 7 this morning..but no..she was too busy bitching at me about the incence ashes that fell on my carpet and walked away.

- Jack - 10-29-2002

Quote:i learned that when people say they are going to help you with things, its all a big lie.
That's the truest thing I read in the whole thread, Damn straight.
:-( Sorry.

- Danked - 10-29-2002

You're so worthless.

- virgingrrl - 10-29-2002

hi jack <3

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2002

Jack is not worthless.

I just meant 98% of the time it is pointless to every believe or count on someone. People who promise things or offer help, usually will never actually do it. You put trust in them that they will get you through something or help you in a situation and usually they leave you hangin there and usually without an apology. Depend on no one but yourself cause most people are full of shit. I know if I promise to do something, I fuckin do it. At any cost and as quickly as possible.

- Buttmunch - 10-29-2002


- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2002

Actually I didn't have you in mind, lol.

But I deserved it when you did it to me.

- The Sleeper - 10-29-2002

Quote:I know if I promise to do something, I fuckin do it. At any cost and as quickly as possible.
yes, that is why I sent out BOTH my CDs on time!!

- Goatweed - 10-29-2002

Quote:what's all this about then?
I learned that no post goes unnoticed on CDIH :-(
Quote:98% of the time it is pointless to every believe or count on someone. People who promise things or offer help, usually will never actually do it. You put trust in them that they will get you through something or help you in a situation and usually they leave you hangin there and usually without an apology. Depend on no one but yourself cause most people are full of shit. I know if I promise to do something, I fuckin do it. At any cost and as quickly as possible.
You and I are very much the same, gonzy. I'm always looking to help someone out, in any situation - and I always come through. Sadly, I have had to rely on others at times only to be left hanging (including family). That's not to say I never get any kind of help, but I always rely on myself and only myself.

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2002

Dude I am so fuckin stupid most times, I trust people too much. If I see a friend in need, I will offer him everything, my last penny. I end up having to almost beg them to take money. Thankfully now I have none to give. Then I won't even remind them they owe me anything, that is where I get fucked. I'll sacrifice stupidly for people to help them and get a promise done, I end up doing it for someone who doesn't care and hinder my own life in the course.

Yet seems most other times, silence strikes when I need a hand.

- Goatweed - 10-29-2002

I know where you're coming from. I used to be really trusting of people, but I got burned many times because of it (financially, emotionally, etc.). Now that I'm older, I'm still trusting, but not right off the bat - it is something that is earned, and while I'll still offer my help, the degree of help I offer is based upon how wll I know you, or at least how well I feel I know you.

For years I was used to doing things on my own - I piad my way through college, I got my own jobs, I never relied on anyone - because when I did, it never panned out. Only until recently have I been offered help and gotten it (to get the house, for example). There's no way I would be able to get it on my own, but the in-laws offered and have come though - and for that, I am grateful. It still doesn't change my views on being self-reliant, however.

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2002

Over the last 3 years I have tried to be less trusting in people, not that I trust no one. But I try not to trust people fully right away. I used to offer people help to the point where I felt they were doing me a favor accepting my favor. I just come from a place where if someone stands by you, you do the same for them. Friendship is like family, guess it's not like that everywhere.

- Buttmunch - 10-29-2002

OK, alright already.

Goatweed can come to Bazookas too.

- GonzoStyle - 10-29-2002

Goatweed has a bazookas in his living room, right by the starbucks and down the hall from his personal McDonalds.

- LyricalGomez - 10-29-2002

next to the giant 7-11 blueberry coffee machine