Happy Thanksgiving - Printable Version

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- Danked - 11-27-2002

Jesus is way cool. Even in baby form.

- OAS - 11-28-2002

Gobble gobble to you all. Remember to give thanks that you are not as old as me. :lol:

- Danked - 11-28-2002

Omigod. Like everyday.

- LZMF1 - 11-28-2002

happy effin' turkey day!!! you fuckers!

- madbam - 11-28-2002

Yeah everyone enjoy....and stay away from the Tofurkey :banana:

- virgingrrl - 11-28-2002

happy turkey day!

hope you all have a great day and eat lots of yummy yummy stuff! :bouncer:

- Arpikarhu - 11-28-2002


- Maynard - 11-29-2002

Better late than never......

Happy Thanksgiving boys and girls. Hope you're all having fun with the family. :-p

- Hey Ladi - 11-29-2002

It went well

:thumbs-up: :fuggin:
ate, had a nice walk, a little drive :fuggin:
watched Ring of Fire, Death to Smoochy & Wizard of Oz

- Jinny - 11-29-2002

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

- Hey Ladi - 11-29-2002

oh yeah, and my Dad played Allice's Restaurant :bouncer:

you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant

- The Sleeper - 11-29-2002


- Danked - 11-29-2002

It was very mellow and laaaaaaame. I came home early.

Hope your Thanksgivings were swell.

- crx girl - 11-29-2002

i'm with sleeper :-(

- The Sleeper - 11-29-2002

Where? I don't see you :clueless:

- fbd - 11-29-2002

there are a total of 3 good things about thanksgiving in my family. 1)my house, always. as much as i have to set up before and clean after, i can sneak away to play madden or something whenever i want, plus no travel. b)birthday 2 days before=cash from relatives today III)nice and short, everybody gone by 8

- crx girl - 11-29-2002

thanksgiving is the shittiest suckiest day ever

- Hybrid - 11-29-2002

i just played football with my cousins all day. and ate turkey.

- The Sleeper - 11-29-2002

Quote:there are a total of 3 good things about thanksgiving in my family. 1)my house, always. as much as i have to set up before and clean after, i can sneak away to play madden or something whenever i want, plus no travel. b)birthday 2 days before=cash from relatives today III)nice and short, everybody gone by 8
1) care b) really, I do, III) I mean, I'm riveted by this!

Edited By The Sleeper on 1038541032

- Hybrid - 11-29-2002

omg 1) b) III) you're so wacky!