Great White fire - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 02-22-2003

Tenbatz works in radio.

- Tenbatsuzen - 02-22-2003

Jealous, bitch?

- HollywoodJewMoses - 02-22-2003

HE DOES?@!?!?!

- Keyser Soze - 02-22-2003

I don't have the face for it.

- Tenbatsuzen - 02-22-2003

Radio pays shit. Sell me your house, then we'll talk.

- Keyser Soze - 02-22-2003

How could I sell you my house if you can't afford it cause you work in radio?

- Tenbatsuzen - 02-22-2003

Because to supplement the radio income, I also work in real estate. Haw haw.

- Keyser Soze - 02-22-2003

will you introduce me to Paul Cubby Bryant, i'd so sell my house to meet him.

- Tenbatsuzen - 02-22-2003

Would you settle for Stalker Patti? She's in radio

- drusilla - 02-23-2003

Quote:yeah... but you have to come here & model a few of them before i decide which one you get to keep

interseting theory....

- OAS - 02-23-2003

Quote:If they wanted to rock why were they at a great white show?
What's wrong with Great White? They'll get you fired up. :rofl: :burnfucker:

- drusilla - 02-23-2003

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Confusedneak:

- Gooch - 02-23-2003

i'm sorry if this sounds insensitive..but it's nice to have a few less mullets around.

- Metalfan - 02-24-2003

Great White fans with mullets? No no no....that I don't believe. Big NJ chick mall hair yes, tight spandex which many of the women shouldn't have been wearing, yes, but mullets??? :crackhead:

Kinda makes me sad....I grew up around there and who knows, I might know some of the victims or their families. A lot of the people mentioned were in the same age group as I am and I'll admit.....this is the type of stuff my friends and I listened too in high school.

96 dead....what a fucking shame :disappointed: