so so bored - so fill out a survey for me - Printable Version

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- virgingrrl - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? days: 6:30ish

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? ani difranco

3.Gold or silver? silver

4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? the hours

5. Favorite TV show? i don't watch enought tv to have a favorite.

6.What do you have for breakfast? coffee

7.What would you hate to be left in a room with? a ticking clock

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? yes

9.What inspires you? love, music, rain and stars.

10. What is your middle name? aline

11. Beach, city or country? depends on my mood.

12. Summer or winter? spring and fall

13. Favorite ice cream? ben & jerry's half baked

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? plain

15. Favorite color? black blue and pink

16.Favorite car? silver jetta.

17. Favorite sandwich? grilled (white american) cheese on whole wheat.

18.True Love? blissful.

19.What characteristics do you despise? liars.

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? how long does it take to dial a phone?

21.Fizzy or still water? still.

22.What color is your bathroom? black, blue and white.

23. How many keys on your key ring? 7

24.Where would you retire? the beach.

25.Can you juggle? no, that requires coordination.

26. Favorite day of the week? tuesday's

27. Red or white wine? cranberry twist arbor mist. high class baby, high class.

28. What did you do for your last birthday? rocked out at maxwells in hoboken for my 21st birthday

30: Where did you travel last? babson college in Mass. then to portland, maine, then to boston, then puked in Conn... then finally home to good ol jersey...all in a weekend.

31: What was the last film you rented? first season of six feet under on dvd, does that count?

32:Least favorite TV show? cheesy teen-dramas.

33: Favorite music? all music.

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? thora birch and my momo

35: Favorite book? nine stories by j.d. salinger

Edited By virgingrrl on 1046139677

- LZMF1 - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? roughly 7am

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?dennis hopper

3.Gold or silver? platinum

4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? star wars: attack of the clones

5. Favorite TV show? drama - six feet under (i dunno....i don't watch much tv)

6.What do you have for breakfast? it varies...

7.What would you hate to be left in a room with? someone who never stops talking

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no

9.What inspires you? music

10. What is your middle name? dont have one

11. Beach, city or country? city

12. Summer or winter? winter

13. Favorite ice cream? rum raisin

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? buttered

15. Favorite color? black

16.Favorite car? '66 corvette

17. Favorite sandwich? turkey club sammich

18.True Love? ???

19.What characteristics do you despise? people who whine. people who crave attention or pity.

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? i'd keep it to myself and enjoy it.......maybe i'd tell my wife.

21.Fizzy or still water? still

22.What color is your bathroom? master bath is blue the other is red

23. How many keys on your key ring? 2 cars keys+3 house keys = 5

24.Where would you retire? vermont or colorado

25.Can you juggle? nope

26. Favorite day of the week? i'm retired...i like them all

27. Red or white wine? red

28. What did you do for your last birthday? i had a party with my family......they annoy the fuck out of me

30: Where did you travel last? St. Lucia a few weeks ago

31: What was the last film you rented? i can't remember.....i don't rent too many movies

32:Least favorite TV show? i don't watch enough tv to have a least favorite show

33: Favorite music? i like practically all types of music

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? no clue

35: Favorite book? of mice and men

Edited By LZMF1 on 1046140868

- diceisgod - 02-25-2003

actually i'm a pseudoperson

- Keyser Soze - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? roughly 7am

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? jesus christ

3.Gold or silver? platinum

4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? old school

5. Favorite TV show? 24

6.What do you have for breakfast? if i had my choice, everything (pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast) but usually just cereal

7.What would you hate to be left in a room with? the retarded laverne and shirley

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? nope

9.What inspires you? music

10. What is your middle name? Joseph

11. Beach, city or country? city

12. Summer or winter? Summer

13. Favorite ice cream? half baked

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? buttered

15. Favorite color? black

16.Favorite car? 350Z

17. Favorite sandwich? bbq cheesesteak

18.True Love? Jessica Alba

19.What characteristics do you despise? people with no drive or ambition.

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? i'd tell nobody

21.Fizzy or still water? still

22.What color is your bathroom? light blues and greys

23. How many keys on your key ring? 1 car keys + 3 house keys = 5

24.Where would you retire? the italian riviera

25.Can you juggle? sorta

26. Favorite day of the week? friday

27. Red or white wine? white

28. What did you do for your last birthday? had a party at Filter 14 in manhattan

30: Where did you travel last? Vermont, last weekend

31: What was the last film you rented? i dont rent, ive got direct tv, we watched dumb and dumber the other night

32:Least favorite TV show? Friends

33: Favorite music? i like practically all types of music as well

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? i am famous, dammit

35: Favorite book? Steal This Dream

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? On days I have to work: 7:00, on days I have my internship: 6:30, and on weekends, it depends on what I'm doing that day, but I never usually sleep past 11.

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? Hmm...maybe Adam Duritz, or Colin Powell, just because I think they'd both be interesting to have a conversation with (and because I want to molest Adam)...oh and David Wells.

3.Gold or silver? Platinum or White Gold, I HATE yellow gold.

4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Life of David Gale

5. Favorite TV show? Drama - NYPD Blue, Law and Order, American Dreams Comedy - Will and Grace, Everybody Loves Raymond Cartoon: The Jetsons

6.What do you have for breakfast? Coffee and something small and plain, I get sick if I eat a real breakfast early in the morning.

7.What would you hate to be left in a room with? Snakes

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Almost, but not really...

9.What inspires you? People who are selfless

10. What is your middle name? Its terrible, so I refuse to share...

11. Beach, city or country? Not sure, sometimes I hate the city, but I'm scared to live in bumblefuck.

12. Summer or winter? Winter I suppose, but I prefer the fall.

13. Favorite ice cream? Dreamery Peanut Butter Cup

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Not really into popcorn

15. Favorite color? Black and Red

16.Favorite car? Not sure anymore....

17. Favorite sandwich? I don't really like sammiches, I'm not into bread.

18.True Love? It exists, but its hard to find....

19.What characteristics do you despise? Liars, back stabbers, cheaters, and manipulators.

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? Forever

21.Fizzy or still water? Still

22.What color is your bathroom? Light blue

23. How many keys on your key ring? 11

24.Where would you retire? Let me get a real job first...

25.Can you juggle? No

26. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

27. Red or white wine? Neither

28. What did you do for your last birthday? I was sick, and on pain killers, saw the Penis Puppeteers and ate an icky ass dinner.

30: Where did you travel last? Lowell, MA to visit a graduate school

31: What was the last film you rented? Innocence

32:Least favorite TV show? The West Wing, any show that shows operations

33: Favorite music? Rock, etc.

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? I dunno.

35: Favorite book? The Great Gatsby

- Gooch - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? on days i have to work: 7am. on days i don't: 10am

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? Malcolm X

3.Gold or silver? Gold

4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Catch Me If You Can

5. Favorite TV show? 24

6.What do you have for breakfast? Egg white wrap with bacon

7.What would you hate to be left in a room with? A dead body

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No

9.What inspires you? Laughter

10. What is your middle name? Daniel

11. Beach, city or country? City

12. Summer or winter? Spring & Fall...I like transition. Fuck Summer & Winter

13. Favorite ice cream? Rocky Road

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Buttered

15. Favorite color? Blue

16.Favorite car? Audi TT
[Image: audi-tt.JPG]

17. Favorite sandwich? Chicken Salad with bacon, tomato & onions on a bagel

18.True Love? Something lost, elusive, fleeting and rare

19.What characteristics do you despise? Narrow-mindedness...not seeing the big picture. Being so stuck on yourself & issues, everything else is skewed

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? Not sure...will be happy to tell you when it happens

21.Fizzy or still water? Fizzy

22.What color is your bathroom? light green

23. How many keys on your key ring? too many...apt keys, parents house keys, work keys...hey, what the fuck is this key too???

24.Where would you retire? Someplace away from the hustle and bustle of those young whippersnappers

25.Can you juggle? In my mind!

26. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

27. Red or white wine? I can only tolerate Blush

28. What did you do for your last birthday? Went out for drinks with friends and co-workers

30: Where did you travel last? Philly

31: What was the last film you rented? Kung Pow

32:Least favorite TV show? Anything on Fox News channel. Runner-up: Larry King

33: Favorite music? Alternative rock...and I'm not talking about th commercialized homogenized garbage on the airwaves now.

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? Rocky Marciano

35: Favorite book? Tie: Skinny Legs & All by Tom Robbins (and) Foucault's Pendulam by Umreto Eco

- crx girl - 02-25-2003

Quote:10. What is your middle name? Its terrible, so I refuse to share...

- drusilla - 02-25-2003

trish is pissed

- The Jays - 02-25-2003

... my middle name is sacred....

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-25-2003

My middle name is hideous, I'm not sharing...sorry....

- Rape Fantasizer - 02-25-2003

Quote:23. How many keys on your key ring? 1 car keys + 3 house keys = 5
Way to add keyser!!!!!!

- drusilla - 02-25-2003


- crx girl - 02-25-2003

oh yeah, i was gonna post that before, lz is better at math than keyser. hehe

and i posted my middle name, if you won't you are a pussy. my ex roomate's middle name is dorkus, you can't get worse than that...

- drusilla - 02-25-2003

what? why would they do that?

- LyricalGomez - 02-25-2003

My first and middle names rhyme if you say them in German Undecided

It's awful

- Jack - 02-25-2003

This information may not be sold nor bartered.

Quote:1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Between 6 and 6:30
Quote:2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
Will Smith (Don't ask why.. I just find the man funny)
Quote:3.Gold or silver?
Quote:4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Star Wars Episode 2 on Imax
Quote:5. Favorite TV show?
Quote:6.What do you have for breakfast?
I don't eat in the morning. Gives me an upset stomach for the whole day.
Quote:7.What would you hate to be left in a room with?
Quote:8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Quote:9.What inspires you?
Lots of things
Quote:10. What is your middle name?
Quote:11. Beach, city or country?
Depends on the day
Quote:12. Summer or winter?
Quote:13. Favorite ice cream?
Mint Chocolate Chip
Quote:14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn?
Quote:15. Favorite color?
Dark Blue
Quote:16.Favorite car?
Mustang Convertible
Quote:17. Favorite sandwich?
Cold Cut Trio at Subway
Quote:18.True Love?
Quote:19.What characteristics do you despise?
People who are fake.
Quote:20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
Is never good?
Quote:21.Fizzy or still water?
Quote:22.What color is your bathroom?
Quote:23. How many keys on your key ring?
Quote:24.Where would you retire?
Shore of Lake Michigan for the summer, California for the winter.
Quote:25.Can you juggle?
Hell No
Quote:26. Favorite day of the week?
Quote:27. Red or white wine?
Don't drink.
Quote:28. What did you do for your last birthday?
Worked inventory.
Quote:30: Where did you travel last?
Auburn Hills for a meeting.
Quote:31: What was the last film you rented?
I don't remember Undecided
Quote:32:Least favorite TV show?
Quote:33: Favorite music?
Rock.. All kinds.
Quote:34: What famous people do you share your b-day with?
Quote:35: Favorite book?

- Luna - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? whenever my eyes open

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? Ian Dunbar, I need to pick his brain.

3. Gold or silver? Silver

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? I really don't remember

5. Favorite TV show? Northern Exposure Comedy: probably Seinfeld Cartoon: Old School Bugs Bunny

6. What do you have for breakfast? I do not eat breakfast, but, I will eat a bagel at noon

7. What would you hate to be left in a room with? a pile 'o snakes

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Not anymore

9. What inspires you? teh Moon and teh Sun

10. What is your middle name? Not telling, but my initials spell LEG

11. Beach, city or country? All

12. Summer or winter? SUMMER!

13. Favorite ice cream? Starbucks Vanilla Mocha Swirl (discontinued now, the bastards)

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? buttered

15. Favorite color? Blue and earthy tones

16. Favorite car? Currently Big ones

17. Favorite sandwich? Chicken parmesan

18. True Love? BAHAHAHAAA!!!! that's funny! Me for one.....and probably my canine, Rupert

19. What characteristics do you despise? Falseness, deceptiveness

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? It depends who the people are...

21. Fizzy or still water? Fizzy

22. What color is your bathroom? one is wood with a bamboo grass wallpaper, one is white, one is unfinished, but, has wood trim so far

23. How many keys on your key ring? too many...far too many

24. Where would you retire? Arizona

25. Can you juggle? Nope

26. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday evenings

27. Red or white wine? White

28. What did you do for your last birthday? went shopping

30: Where did you travel last? Arizona, Sedona in '99

31: What was the last film you rented? Brotherhood of the Wolf

32: Least favorite TV show? Everybody loves Raymond

33: Favorite music? Rock, Classic Rock, Hard rock

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? Princess Caroline of Monaco

35: Favorite book? Lately, The Culture Clash

- JimmyBlueEyes - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? Depends on my work schedule. If I am working I am up at 545, off, never later than noon.

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, President Bush so I could smack some sense into him

3.Gold or silver? Silver

4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? XXX

5. Favorite TV show? Don't watch much TV, but I do like Trauma, Life in the ER

6.What do you have for breakfast? Bagel and a big glass of soda or Snapple

7.What would you hate to be left in a room with? Nothing, I would get bored easily

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no

9.What inspires you? a swift kick in the ass

10. What is your middle name? Peter

11. Beach, city or country? I've lived in all three, but I prefer the city.

12. Summer or winter? Late Spring

13. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Buttered and salted

15. Favorite color? Red

16.Favorite car? 1987 Monte Carlo SS

17. Favorite sandwich? Chicken Roll or Salami n cheese

18.True Love? It's out there..some just haven't been touched by it yet

19.What characteristics do you despise? Liars, stupidity.

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? About 5 minutes

21.Fizzy or still water? Still

22.What color is your bathroom? Brown tile

23. How many keys on your key ring? Too many

24.Where would you retire? Probably stay here.

25.Can you juggle? No

26. Favorite day of the week? Any Day I am off

27. Red or white wine? Neither

28. What did you do for your last birthday? Worked and went home with a bad headache

30: Where did you travel last? Virginia for a memorial service

31: What was the last film you rented? Barbershop

32:Least favorite TV show? Don't watch much TV

33: Favorite music? Hard Rock, Metal

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? Demi Moore.

35: Favorite book? Don't have one


- JimmyBlueEyes - 02-25-2003

1. What time do you wake up in the morning? Depends on my work schedule. If I am working I am up at 545, off, never later than noon.

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, President Bush so I could smack some sense into him

3.Gold or silver? Silver

4.What was the last film you saw at the cinema? XXX

5. Favorite TV show? Don't watch much TV, but I do like Trauma, Life in the ER

6.What do you have for breakfast? Bagel and a big glass of soda or Snapple

7.What would you hate to be left in a room with? Nothing, I would get bored easily

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no

9.What inspires you? a swift kick in the ass

10. What is your middle name? Peter

11. Beach, city or country? I've lived in all three, but I prefer the city.

12. Summer or winter? Late Spring

13. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry

14. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Buttered and salted

15. Favorite color? Red

16.Favorite car? 1987 Monte Carlo SS

17. Favorite sandwich? Chicken Roll or Salami n cheese

18.True Love? It's out there..some just haven't been touched by it yet

19.What characteristics do you despise? Liars, stupidity.

20. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? About 5 minutes

21.Fizzy or still water? Still

22.What color is your bathroom? Brown tile

23. How many keys on your key ring? Too many

24.Where would you retire? Probably stay here.

25.Can you juggle? No

26. Favorite day of the week? Any Day I am off

27. Red or white wine? Neither

28. What did you do for your last birthday? Worked and went home with a bad headache

30: Where did you travel last? Virginia for a memorial service

31: What was the last film you rented? Barbershop

32:Least favorite TV show? Don't watch much TV

33: Favorite music? Hard Rock, Metal

34: What famous people do you share your b-day with? Demi Moore.

35: Favorite book? Don't have one


- drusilla - 02-25-2003

Quote:30: Where did you travel last? Arizona, Sedona in '99

iwent there in 2001. it was sooooooo nice there. i fell climbing up to one of the vortexes & busted my knee open big time. :thumbs-up: