Cause jack sucks... - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 03-06-2003

Quote:Did you acctually want to visit me?

I'd love to see my long lost brother.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-06-2003


EDIT: My birthday is the 20th...and that's another reason to come down here... :bouncer:

Edited By 2 tired 2 give N F on 1046932520

- crx girl - 03-06-2003

i'm not driving to georgia...

- The Sleeper - 03-06-2003

but you can pass through all those kooky "south of the border" signs

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-06-2003

Quote:i'm not driving to georgia...

- LyricalGomez - 03-06-2003

Quote:but you can pass through all those kooky "south of the border" signs

You never sausage a thing

- Buttmunch - 03-06-2003

I guess it's really over between us. :disappointed:

- Keyser Soze - 03-06-2003

hybrid offered to take you in gonzo

- GonzoStyle - 03-06-2003

Hybrid is too busy pimpin hoes and rollin blunts.

Someone take me in dammit!!!!!

Who wants to hang with THE gonzostyle for a whole week?

come on, form a line to the left..... anyone? :-(

- Goatweed - 03-06-2003


- Jack - 03-06-2003

:lookatme: :-(

- GonzoStyle - 03-06-2003

Hi goaty :loveya:

Thanks for the kind words before, I needed them, I been eh and well thanks man.

- Goatweed - 03-06-2003

no thanks needed, I'm here for ya. In fact, the guest suite at Case De Goat is always available - it's just not painted yet, but I'm gettin' to it.

- GonzoStyle - 03-06-2003

Painting is fun, the only bitch was when my mom decided she wanted the ceiling painted too, bleh. No matter how much I covered up the floors I still got paint on it.

- Buttmunch - 03-06-2003

Look how he ignores me.

I feel so dirty and used.

- GonzoStyle - 03-06-2003


boobie, baby, I skimmed through and missed your post.

I'm sorry buddy :loveya:

is there still a place on the floor for me?

- Buttmunch - 03-06-2003

I was going to offer you the queen size bed upstairs, but you injured my feelings.

- GonzoStyle - 03-06-2003

You have an upstairs? I woulda settled for the kitchen table. Who cares as long as I'm with my old butt buddy.

- Arpikarhu - 03-06-2003

Quote:arpi is waiting for you with his louisville slugger
you havent had an original thought in over 8 months. you might want to think about stepping down

- PatCooper - 03-06-2003

I'm sure the old gonzo would have had no problem finding someone to take him in. And i'd offer but im sure you dont wanna come to staten island for the week. :crackhead: