Pros and Cons list - do they work? - Printable Version

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- crx girl - 07-26-2003


- PatCooper - 07-26-2003

Because i would have voted for choice 1 instead of choice 2.
I didn't realize this was a life altering poll i was voting in.

- diceisgod - 07-26-2003

Dump her and stiff her for the other half of the abortion fee.

- crx girl - 07-26-2003

i'm not pregnant!!!!

- diceisgod - 07-26-2003

not pregnant or just not by him?

- diceisgod - 07-26-2003

silence means acceptance

- Velociti - 07-26-2003

yea after he stiffs you for the abortion fee, you can write "prick" on the side of his car.

- Keyser Soze - 07-27-2003

i think you should post the list already.