HELP!!!!!!!! - Printable Version

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- HollywoodJewMoses - 09-10-2003


- Keyser Soze - 09-10-2003

told you it was a brilliant idea, too bad someone beat me to it.

how about a "Jump to Conclusions Mat"?! You see, you have this mat, with different CONCLUSIONS written on it that you could JUMP TO!

- The Jays - 09-11-2003

That is the worst idea I have ever heard.

Yes, it's terrible, terrible, this idea.

- crx girl - 09-11-2003

there's quite a few variations on that available actually, the shenis not the mat

- Galt - 09-11-2003

do they have dil-pons yet?

- drusilla - 09-11-2003

crx girl Wrote:there's quite a few variations on that available actually, the shenis not the mat
the one i heard about back in high school was called the "pee schute" it was like a little funnel that you could pee into & it would shoot out wherever you pointed it.

i almost liked the golfball idea, but then i realized it would be really expensive to keep replacing them, plus what galt said about fucking up the ball.

good try though