post a picture of your favorite tree - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 01-03-2004

Oh, I was led to believe it was pronounced differently.

This makes it even worse.

- Bland - 01-04-2004

I never saw the movie but I can guess. Dicks!

- The Sleeper - 01-04-2004

your parents must've really really really hated you

- Bland - 01-04-2004

They were hippies. My sister is named Rainbow Star. We hate them.

- IrishAlkey - 01-04-2004

Do you need lots of water and sunshine?

- GonzoStyle - 01-04-2004

flower baby.

- drusilla - 01-04-2004

i feel so sorry for you

- Bland - 01-04-2004

I fucking want to kill that Arpi prick.

- IrishAlkey - 01-04-2004

Welcome to our club!

- GonzoStyle - 01-04-2004

Kill your parents first.

- Bland - 01-04-2004

I wish!

- GonzoStyle - 01-04-2004

Thrash them with those tree trunk like arms.

- Keyser Soze - 01-04-2004


- Bland - 01-04-2004

It would be hard to field a defense for murder based on my not liking my name.

- Galt - 01-04-2004

You can always change it to Fred Norris; that's available.

- crx girl - 01-04-2004

holy shit

i'm slower than keyser