Rip its 2:37 - Printable Version

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- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-23-2002

12:25....after rebooting 4000 times, I finally got into the Scrabble lobby...if anyone wants to play....IM me.

- IkeaBoy - 02-23-2002

154- catching up on Tuesday programming. Undeclared really makes me aware about how awful and uselss my life is and how much of a pathetic waste i truly am and playing Scrabble against polly

Edited By IkeaBoy on Feb. 23 2002 at 01:56

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-23-2002

2:23 watching Cheers and playing Scrabble...I'm losing...AGAIN. :clueless:

- IkeaBoy - 02-23-2002

1248 I'm awake after a dream that started with Al bundy telling Kelly bundy not to use the word Hitler in a cheer and was followed by news from a Karatae Kid prequel taht involved one chracter accidentally killing another kid because he floods a lake during a stunt

Edited By IkeaBoy on Feb. 23 2002 at 12:51

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-23-2002

1:13 washing more towels and playing Scrabble...damn you Ikea for telling me about that site! Parents coming home tonight Confusedneak:

- NaughtyAngel - 02-23-2002

at the library
fun huh?

- IkeaBoy - 02-23-2002

317- cleaning actually have things to do toay. also have to finish Fear and Trembling and an essay by Monday

- crx girl - 02-24-2002

10:03 i'm bored out of my skull, but britain just got their first ever alpine skiing medal :p

- NaughtyAngel - 02-24-2002

just sittin here
kinda pissed someone isnt online

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-24-2002

1:13 saw Creed tonight...wasn't as bad as I anticipated....Days of a New were really good too. Going to the oral surgeon tomorrow and I lost my x-ray.... Sad

- NaughtyAngel - 02-24-2002

i am an awful human being

- fbd - 02-24-2002

NaughtyAngel Wrote:2::33
i am an awful human being
2:37, and i'm just as bad, if not worse

- IkeaBoy - 02-24-2002

833- have some posting i need to do and i'm awake which is weird

- IkeaBoy - 02-24-2002

1025- Kierkegaard is a boring writer, at least what I have to read from him (Fear and Trembling). I'm going to try to get some sleep now. and no, i didn't have an "Early" night last night, I fell asleep at 4 as per usual.

- IkeaBoy - 02-24-2002

1251- finished a program which gave me a very fleeting moment of I guess what one could call happiness but there's no way I can do it on paper. and Kierkegaard still stinks

- AFDude - 02-24-2002

Midnight and I wish this fucking cold would go away already, it's pretty much ruined my day off. :pissed:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 02-24-2002

2:49....doing research into the Enron deal for my paper...its due tomorrow.....I shouldn't wait till the last minute....oh well.

- WhipThisFez - 02-24-2002

It's 3:38 and I feel like violating someone's grandma.

- IkeaBoy - 02-24-2002

507= finished reading Kierkegaard, god it was lame and have a paper to write and studying to do - i guess- and Fez Ihate my grandmother

- crx girl - 02-24-2002

5:09 hockey's over, ouch. i am bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored

and my grandma just turned 90 on wednesday :p