Star Child part deux - how it should have went down - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 10-28-2005

Keyser Soze Wrote:whats a good word for words that are now more common but are used with the intent of demonstrating that the speaker or writer is some kind of wordsmith or heavy intellectual; unfortunately, because of overuse, such words make him/her look more like a hack?

(arpi does this as much as gooch, they're peas in a pod)
why are people with goood vocabularies always attacked as being snobs?
i think its a defense mechanism for people who feel insecure about their poor intelligence.

- Gooch - 10-28-2005

defend this...

you suck!

- The Jays - 10-28-2005

such big words

- Gooch - 10-28-2005

Arpikarhu Suketh Maximus, I think, is the correct scientific term.

- HedCold - 10-28-2005

Arpikarhu Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:whats a good word for words that are now more common but are used with the intent of demonstrating that the speaker or writer is some kind of wordsmith or heavy intellectual; unfortunately, because of overuse, such words make him/her look more like a hack?

(arpi does this as much as gooch, they're peas in a pod)
why are people with goood vocabularies always attacked as being snobs?
i think its a defense mechanism for people who feel insecure about their poor intelligence.
mad libs!

i think using your ( NOUN ) as a sign of superiority is a defense mechanism for people who feel insecure about their ( NOUN )

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2005

Arpikarhu Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:whats a good word for words that are now more common but are used with the intent of demonstrating that the speaker or writer is some kind of wordsmith or heavy intellectual; unfortunately, because of overuse, such words make him/her look more like a hack?

(arpi does this as much as gooch, they're peas in a pod)
why are people with goood vocabularies always attacked as being snobs?
i think its a defense mechanism for people who feel insecure about their poor intelligence.
Because they use it as a crutch when they have no argument, they just weasel out by pointin out spelling and grammar mistakes and tossing in a couple fancy words.

- Gooch - 10-28-2005

b/c he sucks

- Arpikarhu - 10-28-2005

i am beginning to think that gooch has a crush on me.

- Gooch - 10-28-2005

see, this is because you suck.

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2005

I think he just thinks you suck, like 90% of everyone else here and those gone.

- Gooch - 10-28-2005

the other 10% should be skimmed like the fat congealed on the top of pot of Matzoh Ball soup.

- Arpikarhu - 10-28-2005

GonzoStyle Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:whats a good word for words that are now more common but are used with the intent of demonstrating that the speaker or writer is some kind of wordsmith or heavy intellectual; unfortunately, because of overuse, such words make him/her look more like a hack?

(arpi does this as much as gooch, they're peas in a pod)
why are people with goood vocabularies always attacked as being snobs?
i think its a defense mechanism for people who feel insecure about their poor intelligence.
Because they use it as a crutch when they have no argument, they just weasel out by pointin out spelling and grammar mistakes and tossing in a couple fancy words.
i call bulllshit. i dont change the types of words i use based upon my intent or lack of intent. i use those words because they are words that i use in my everyday life. again, i think the complaint stems from a insecurity over ones lack of vocabulary. The big words make you feel dumb. Not so much that you dont know what they mean, but that you dont use such words in your daily language. I dont care either way, and I do not judge those who choose not to expand their word knowledge and usage. the complaint and insecurity comes strictly from you.

Language is what seperates us from the beasts.

- Arpikarhu - 10-28-2005

GonzoStyle Wrote:I think he just thinks you suck, like 90% of everyone else here and those gone.
PM me that you yourself feel that way and i will never post here again.
i promise this on all that i hold holy in this world.

- Gooch - 10-28-2005

Quote:Language is what seperates us from the beasts.


What seperates us is the ability to wrestle with the question of what seperates us.

It's been argued from the Greeks that it was logic that seperates us. Others thought creativity or reason. Modern linguistic experts think language.

Perhaps its merely the ability to ponder that seperates us. Whatever the case, your statement is inaccurate.

- Arpikarhu - 10-28-2005

people could not wrestle with any question of existence without the language to do so. language is what seperates us from the beasts.

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2005

Thumbs seperate us from the beasts!

and why PM you, I just said it,

- Arpikarhu - 10-28-2005

cause for me to stop posting i would need to hear it from you in private. just between us. whispered, in my ear.

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2005

how does one whisper in someones ear when typing?

- Arpikarhu - 10-28-2005

its implied

- GonzoStyle - 10-28-2005
