Stupid fucking kids - And their stupid fucking parents - Printable Version

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- fbd - 05-02-2002

Quote:No i left it out because it has no bearing on you being a hypocrite. You said yourself that you would be mad if a child was making a scene at the diner. Did you or did you not.
he said that he did repremand his parent can ever prevent a kid from acting out, or yelling, because kids are fucking unpredictable.all a parent can do is act as fast as possible to stop it, which he said he did.

Quote:That's a bunch of bullshit. Children shouldn't have any rights. Their godamn kids. If your under the age of 18 you shouldn't have rights. They only thing you should do is listen to your stupid parents and do what they tell you to do. If they tell you to be quiet then do it.
please, continue with more of this.i'd love to hear your arguements about how anybody under 18 is the same as a shrew

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-02-2002

Children have rights. They may not have the same rights as adults(nor should they). But they certainly have and should have rights. If children didn't have rights they could be raped and murdered and nothing could be done.

- fbd - 05-02-2002

Quote:If children didn't have rights they could be raped and murdered and nothing could be done.
not to mention kiddie porn, child labor, molestation, slavery, trial by jury(there are 10 year old criminals), and tons of other things that keep our society out of barbarism

- PatCooper - 05-02-2002

I believe the rights you are talking about are called [b]Human Rights[quote] and yes children do fall under that catagory. But no they dont have the same rights as adults. Which means they can't think for themselves. So it's up to the parent to do the thinking. So if the child acts out in public it's up to the parent to solve the problem. And if the problem continues the parent needs to figure out better methods of problem solving.
As far as what i was saying about Metal talking like a hypocrite. He told me that if i go too a movie geared towardds kids i need to just deal with the shit. But at the same time he admitted that if he was in a situation with someone elses kid making a scene he would get mad at the parents. Well if i have to just deal with the shit so should he.

- Silera - 05-02-2002

Pat, you should realize that Parents (good ones at least) feel awful and embarrased when their kids act up. Honestly, I try my best but they do think for themselves, they get tired, cranky and restless. You obviously don't have kids, and you shouldn't have to put up with brats, but the whole point is that compromise, common sense, and courtesy work alot better than misdirected anger.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 05-02-2002

Did I say kids have or should have the same rights as adults? No but parents do have dominion over their children but there are obviously limits to it like everything,

- PollyannaFlower46 - 05-03-2002

Quote:As far as what i was saying about Metal talking like a hypocrite. He told me that if i go too a movie geared towardds kids i need to just deal with the shit. But at the same time he admitted that if he was in a situation with someone elses kid making a scene he would get mad at the parents. Well if i have to just deal with the shit so should he.

I think you're really taking Metal out of context here. He was saying that he always does his best to control his daughter's outburst because not only do they embarrass him, but he knows that if he was there without his kids and there was a kid acting up he would expect their parents to control them and would be annoyed if they weren't. He even said it annoyed him that the waitresses were telling him not to control his daughter because they thought she was cute. He's obviously trying to teach his daughter the proper way to behave in a social setting, but kids can only be expected to do so much.

I hate going to movies when there are kids there who shouldn't be, but I love going to see G and PG rated movies when there are kids in the theater...hearing them giggle and talk through the movie kinda makes me enjoy it more. I do get pissed when I'm at a late show ad it's an obvious adult movie and there is a crying child. And I would've gotten annoyed as you did at the parent who did not stop the kid from kicking the chair...but to call Metal a hypocrite here is just outta line here...

- PatCooper - 05-03-2002

[/quote]You obviously don't have kids, and you shouldn't have to put up with brats, but the whole point is that compromise, common sense, and courtesy work alot better than misdirected anger.
Quote:Nope i sure i dont have any kids yet. But i enjoy having some misdirected anger. It makes things interesting.
I hate going to movies when there are kids there who shouldn't be, but I love going to see G and PG rated movies when there are kids in the theater...hearing them giggle and talk through the movie kinda makes me enjoy it more. I do get pissed when I'm at a late show ad it's an obvious adult movie and there is a crying child. And I would've gotten annoyed as you did at the parent who did not stop the kid from kicking the chair...but to call Metal a hypocrite here is just outta line here... [quote]

Well then i guess i'm outta line. Not the first time nor will it be the last. And just for the record i have no beef with Metal. I'm sure he's a wonderful parent.

- Metalfan - 05-03-2002

fbdingalingaling said:
Quote:he said that he did repremand his parent can ever prevent a kid from acting out, or yelling, because kids are fucking unpredictable.all a parent can do is act as fast as possible to stop it, which he said he did.

AND, Pollyanna said:
Quote:I think you're really taking Metal out of context here. He was saying that he always does his best to control his daughter's outburst because not only do they embarrass him, but he knows that if he was there without his kids and there was a kid acting up he would expect their parents to control them and would be annoyed if they weren't. He even said it annoyed him that the waitresses were telling him not to control his daughter because they thought she was cute. He's obviously trying to teach his daughter the proper way to behave in a social setting, but kids can only be expected to do so much

Let me ask you Pat, why is it pretty much everyone else here understood my point perfectly, yet you're only focusing on the individual sentences which you feel further your debate with me? Read the whole statement before you comment, or perhaps I should post in a different language, one you are more comfortable with.

In any event, this isn't the dark ages where children are pets or property to be dragged around or put on display. They are evolving adults, and as such, need to learn socially acceptable behavior...which is exactly the lessons I am trying to teach my children. That it is NOT acceptable to run around a is NOT ok to yell in public places...that they SHOULD be able to sit down to eat a meal...that if they can't act respectully they won't have friends as they get older....etc, etc.

My comment regarding kids movies pertains to the time of the movie, not the subject of the movie. Again, I can usually predict my child's behavior patterns at certain times during the day. As such, if there is a movie she wants to see, I will take her to an earlier show. Why you ask? Well, even if you don't, I'm gonna tell you. First is that the audience should be mostly children and of course a parent, I hope, at the earlier shows. Secondly, the later it gets, the more tired my daughter gets and the more likely she is to act out. Therefore, she will become a spectacle and embarrass both herself and me, she won't enjoy the movie, and quite frankly, she won't see the end of the movie, because I will remove us from that situation and bring her home. Done and done!

But please, tell me again why children shouldn't have any rights.....I find that statement fascinating.

- Grumpy - 05-03-2002

Quote:why is it pretty much everyone else here understood my point perfectly,

hey, I got his point exactly...Metal beats the crap out of his daughter in diners while white trash waitress watch and then takes her to the movies afterwards but only during obscure hours so he can piss off other people....

did I get it right? (if you can't read the sarcasm in that statement - fuck you!)

As a parent, I have to agree with Dorothy about being embarrassed when the child does act up. If my son gets out of line as kids will do from time to time, it's my job as a parent to teach him why what he's doing is wrong. I've taken my son to the movies and we always go out. he enjoys doing this with me and his mom but there is a standing rule: if he gets out of line and doesn't stop when he's told to, then we get up and go home ending the outing he enjoys. Why? two parts to it: 1. To avoid making a scene and giving others the courtesy to eat or do whatever in peace. I'd want others to give me that courtesy so why should I not give it to them. 2. to teach my son that if he acts up, he's not going to be allowed to go again. The motivation for wanting to go is enough that if he hints towards getting out of line, all it takes is a threat to leave.

Now there are times when nothing will work because as any parent of toddler will tell you, when they get tired, they get cranky and irratible. Nothing will help. Thats why I also do what Metal does and not take my son out when after a certain time because I KNOW HIS SCHEDULES. I can predict for the most part, when he'll need a nap and when he's going to act up. That's all just part of being a parent.

- Skitchr4u - 05-03-2002

this might be the best thread i have ever read here. thank you all for the advice on being a parent.

no i didn't forget the sarcasm tags!

- PatCooper - 05-03-2002

Geez i never thought of Grumpy as a dad. :fucking:

- crx girl - 05-03-2002

pat sucks at teh quotes

- Ken'sPen - 05-03-2002

ignore me

Edited By Ken'sPen on May 03 2002 at 7:34

- HedCold - 05-04-2002

Quote:pat sucks at teh quotes

but anyway, kids aren't robots and they're all not going to act the same. just because you were with a little angel doesn't mean every kid acts the same way. yea there are some times when its obvious the parents are being dicks too, but more often then not they are trying to keep their children in control.
think about a parent who might be out with a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old and all the stuff they have to worry about. theres the carriage, the baby bag, whether or not they have to change a diaper and if theres a place to do it, if the baby has to eat soon, when are they going to get home to cook dinner, what they might have to buy. excuse them for not carrying as much as you think they should because their kid is making noise. but according to you those kids should be thrown in a cage and muzzled because they're only kids.

- Kim - 05-05-2002

Toddlers and Babies don't bother me at all...its the ones who are old enough to know better. At 10 years of age you should know how to behave in public...