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- Sweet Angel - 11-11-2002

Quote:Smoke lots of weed with your child and his friends
Can't -- makes me puke.

Quote:When they throw a party in high school, toss some beers and condoms in the room and leave

Quote:Sleep with at least one of your son's best friends
Can this wait a few years? He's only 11 now.

Quote:Walk around in your panties whenever his friends are over. Top optional.
Can I borrow some money to go to the gym?

Quote:Let him go see 8 Mile without tagging along.
But I wanna see it too!

Quote:can i call you mommy?
Sure, what the Hell. Just don't ask me to take you to see 8'll just have to sneak in.

- Keyser Soze - 11-11-2002

only if you call me daddy

- Sweet Angel - 11-11-2002

You've got yourself a deal. :rofl:

- LyricalGomez - 11-11-2002

Keyser, that switch trick doesn't work that well anymore, I see more and more theatres that check your tickets twice, first at the entrance and then at the doors to the movie

- Sweet Angel - 11-11-2002

Well Keyser will just have to sit with "mommy" then.

- Keyser Soze - 11-12-2002

dig really deep when you go for the popcorn in my lap

- Sweet Angel - 11-12-2002

Are the kernels that small that I wouldn't be able to find them?

- slackjaw - 11-12-2002

Tough call. The sexual references are there, and while we see people having sex, there really isn't much nudity (except Kim riding the BF, from behind). I would be more concerned with the violence. There isn't any over the top gore, just lots of fighting. Sure, Jackie Chan movies have all sorts of fighting, but this is different. 8 Mile portrays a fairly accurate depiction of city life. It has a serious undertone of "gang" (for lack of a better word) life. Basically one group of friends against another, all being "toughies". While this may be a pretty accurate portrayal of urban life, it is probably not a good example for suburban youth. Bottom line, while adults will realize the tragedy in our "hero's" plight, it could easily be misconstrued by children. To younger minds it can be inferred that fighting is "cool", and the only way to get "respect". If I had a child younger than say 15, I would not take him to see this, unless the child was extremely mature, and well adjusted...... in which case, I would make him / her pay for my ticket Smile

I loved the movie, but would not reccommend taking your son unless he is an extremely well adjusted child.

- Keyser Soze - 11-12-2002

oh you found the milk duds, hands off

- Teenweek - 11-12-2002

You can forget about dropping him off. This is a story from today's NY Post.

Quote:November 12, 2002 -- Underage Eminem fans are using every trick in the book to sneak into the red-hot rapper's new R-rated flick - and driving theater owners nuts.
Desperate to see "8 Mile," kids are waving fake IDs, trying to bribe ushers, sneaking in without tickets and begging older strangers to act as their guardians, managers at Manhattan movie houses said yesterday.

"They try everything. The security guards really have their hands full this week," said an assistant boss at the Union Square Stadium 14, who declined to give his name.

To see the acclaimed hip-hop drama - which contains nonstop cursing, sex scenes, violence and drug use - kids are supposed to be at least 17, or be accompanied by a parent or a guardian over 21.

But that didn't stop Scott Gallie and Maria Evans, two freshmen from Brooklyn Tech, who scammed the Loews Kips Bay, at Second Avenue and 32nd Street.

"They wouldn't let us buy tickets for '8 Mile,' so we just got tickets for 'I Spy,' then snuck in," said the 14-year-old Gallie.

Added Evans, also 14: "We just had to make sure the movie was on the same floor as '8 Mile.'"

Terrence McKenzie, an 18-year-old senior at Vanguard HS in Brooklyn, acted as the guardian for his 16-year-old school chums, Tom Tucker and Eric Eve - and had no problem getting in.

"I love Eminem and just had to see the movie," Eve said.

Up at the Loews 42nd Street E-Walk, eagle-eyed ushers set up two checkpoints to examine IDs.

"If you don't catch them at the box office, then you catch them when you take their tickets," explained a manager.

But how much trouble can theaters really get into? Not much.

Theaters are under no legal obligation to enforce the ratings system, created in 1968 as a guide for parents, and can't get into hot water if they don't.

"There's no tooth of law behind it. It's a voluntary system, and whether it's enforced is totally up to each theater," said Rich Taylor of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, which created the ratings system.

Last night, the Parents Television Council, a watchdog group, asked theaters across the nation be extra tough, after its spot checkers found many letting kids as young as 14 in without a hassle.

"8 Mile" raked in $54.5 million over the weekend, mostly from teens and 20-somethings.

- LyricalGomez - 11-12-2002

Uhm, didn't I just say that in a previous post?

- Teenweek - 11-12-2002

Quote:Uhm, didn't I just say that in a previous post?

Well it's not true until it says AP. I know that already. Just saying that there is such a big problem with this movie that they mention it in the paper.

- Hey Ladi - 11-12-2002

how much does everyone pay at the theatres?

$8.75 :crackhead:

- Goatweed - 11-12-2002

I think it's up to $9 out here.

- The Sleeper - 11-12-2002

It's $10 in manhattan

- Hey Ladi - 11-12-2002

I hardly think it's worth it anymore, I rarely go :thumbs-up:

- Goatweed - 11-12-2002

I'll go if it's a movie that I really want to see, but otherwise I'll just wait until it comes out on DVD.

- Hey Ladi - 11-12-2002

I rarely rent either, because by then it doesn't look as good from the box or I forget if I had wanted to see it.

- LyricalGomez - 11-12-2002

Is it that much for Matinee or evening shows?

Around here Matinees are 5 bucks, evening prices are usually 8 or 9 bucks

- Goatweed - 11-12-2002

Matinees are 1/2 price here, like $5 or $5.50. I don't know about Manhattan though, I would assume it to be a little more (like everything else).