CDIH SOCOM Clan Signup - Seals or Terrorists? - Printable Version

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- crx girl - 01-18-2003

hi lz. yes, i'm the retard who couldn't figure out how to use the headset :-D

maybe later he'll even let me have a go at playing...

- Mad - 01-18-2003

I'm going to post some helpful hints for those of you who wish to kick my ass at SOCOM.

Go to options and set up the following:

Brightness: turn it up so you can see better on dark maps.

Controller options:
Use Precision shooter, turn vibration on, auto aim on, pitch how ever you like it.

At presets switch to custom and do the following: Turn sensitivity almost all the way to the right. Do the same for acceleration and leave the dead zone where it is.

Some other tip's are to keep moving and to buddy up with somebody else. Two guns versus one will win out in the end. Just make sure that you're not hugging each other. Spread out but keep with in visual range of one and other and watch each others backs.

If one goes down and your don't see where the shots came from DON'T run over to them. They are dead already and you will be next.

The best guns in the game are the M-16A2, M-4A2 regular/SD and the AKS-74. Keep them on three round burst and not full auto.

Remember you are playing against another person and not some stupid AI. Think out side the box. Don't fall into predicable patterns that's how you get owned.

Any other questions or helpful hints please post them.

- LZMF1 - 01-18-2003

Quote:Brightness: turn it up so you can see better on dark maps

that's what i kept forgetting to do. now maybe i'll see a llittle more clearly and have a fighting chance. :toast: :toast:

- Keyser Soze - 01-18-2003

wait, you're telling me theres a way to have it automatically aim at targets???

- Mad - 01-18-2003

Auto Aim just turns your cross hairs red when you've got a tango sighted.

- Keyser Soze - 01-18-2003

ah nice, good tips man

- Galt - 01-18-2003


My sister's boyfriend is getting shipped off to the desert next week and will be there for a year.

You know what that means? While everyone is crying and saying their goodbye-see-you-laters, I can take care of his PS2 games while he's gone. This includes SOCOM

Can I be a sniper?

- Mad - 01-18-2003

Sure can, if you can learn how to shoot the Damn thing.

- LZMF1 - 01-19-2003

nice! galt is gonna join in on the fun.

the more, the merrier.

- Galt - 01-19-2003

I tend to be a Benedict Arnold and will lead the league in friendly fire kills.

- Mad - 01-19-2003

Quote:I tend to be a Benedict Arnold and will lead the league in friendly fire kills.

ThanKfully we can turn off friendly fire. Feel free to shove a grenade up your ass.

- Galt - 01-19-2003

Can I at least be the cowering pansie who gets everyone else killed like the reporter in Saving Private Ryan.

- LZMF1 - 01-19-2003

are we on tonight or what?

which server?

- Mad - 01-19-2003

Suggestion: If you are looking to play log on to AIM and instant message some of the others. Sound good?

- Weird NJ - 01-19-2003

this game won't work with dialup.. will it? :-(

- Mad - 01-19-2003

No, you need broadband, either DSL or Cable modem. Beg, borrow or steal the service. It's worth it.

I went from shitty dial up, 28.8/3.2 kbs per second to 714/133 kbs per second and can now enjoy streaming video, instant loading (almost) and gaming!


- LZMF1 - 01-19-2003

Weird NJ you really need to get a faster connection. dial-up sucks.

- Keyser Soze - 01-19-2003

i won't be on until after the Raiders game unless its a blowout

- Galt - 01-23-2003

got it. Need to practice before I spend time online.

- Keyser Soze - 01-23-2003

post your SOCOM name and I will send you an invite to the [CDIH] clan