Raw 10th Anniversary - Who will show up? - Printable Version

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- LyricalGomez - 01-15-2003

I'm still on the first hour(tivo) but you think they could have planned this a little better. After ten years this is all they could think up? Jesus fucking Christ this is sad, and after the high of Raw last night this is fucking garbage

- Jack - 01-15-2003

What a fucking waste. NOBODY they rumored has shown up. The Rock just rambled on aimlessly with no point in mind...


- Hybrid - 01-15-2003

the crowd is a bunch of morons

- LyricalGomez - 01-15-2003

This should have been done in an arena, instead of trying to build up heat, they should've replayed some of the greatest matches to break the tedium or something. This is just awful, and everyone there knows it, everyone watching knows it, this is trash.

- Keyser Soze - 01-15-2003

what were you expecting?

i feel like im watching the AVN awards.

- LyricalGomez - 01-15-2003

WWE sucks, but usually they manage to pull out a few suprises for big events (ie Wrestlemania, SummerSlam etc)

I guess they blew their load with Raw last night and had nothing left

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2003

What a crock of shit that was, nothing like what I expected. I thought it would be in an arena with special apperances by past members of RAW.

Foley I can understand not being there, Hogan not being there sucked, Rock was shameful for not showing up in person. I am so fuckin happy rock got booed, The "boring" chant was the highlight of the night.

But Austin, fuckin Austin man.

The guy was in more than half of the top 10 moments in RAW and was in the #1 moment. He wins Superstar of the decade, he was in almost every other category. What the fuck man?

It was a cheesy event, poorly done and a waste of time.

The WWE has gone down even lower in my eyes now.

- Jack - 01-15-2003

:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:

Words cannot express how bad they fucked up tonight.

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2003

Without Austin, The Rock has lost a lot of his popularity due to his "hollywood" turn. The WWE doesn't have a true leader anymore. They have superstars but they don't have that one guy anymore who is the figurehead of the company.

Hogan, HBK, Austin, Rock and now....

- Jack - 01-15-2003

I'm ashamed to admit that I watched that.

- Goatweed - 01-15-2003

hands down, this was one of the biggest wastes of television programming I have ever seen. Not only was it bad, but seeing the old clips made me remember just how awesome things used to be - making me all the more depressed.

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2003

If the WWE was a message board, its members would be saying the board is dying and that they miss the good old days.

- Keyser Soze - 01-15-2003

i stopped watching wrestling after the days of george the animal steele, jimmy superfly, etc.....

- LyricalGomez - 01-15-2003

Only good part was Owen tribute placing second, I will always think of Owen as the best Hart the WWF ever had, simply because he stuck around when it would have been so very easy for him to go to WCW and make it big with his brother, but instead he stuck around.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-15-2003

u r zero coo!

- GonzoStyle - 01-15-2003

Quote:i stopped watching wrestling after the days of george the animal steele, jimmy superfly, etc.....

You stopped watching when Lex Luger stole your Narcisist Gimmick, with bringing a mirror in the ring and staring at himself.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 01-15-2003

Owen was underrated and definitely underappreciated.....I was a little surprised that Austin pulled in that Superstar of the Decade....think Taker deserved it a little more...Aside from that...this show was a TOTAL crock of shit.

- The Jays - 01-15-2003

.... and to cap off that show, the World in Times Square had a two alarm fire...

- JimmyBlueEyes - 01-15-2003

I heard there was a 2nd Alarm in Manhattan...wasn't sure where it was though...from the radio traffic I heard..sounded like it was further uptown..

- The Jays - 01-15-2003

... Fox News reported it was at WWE New York....