Can Men and Women Be "Just Friends" - Printable Version

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- DGW - 01-07-2003

Quote:Then I guess I'm an anomaly.
i prefer Asshole ;-)

- Hey Ladi - 01-07-2003

......... ok, GW's an Asshole :thumbs-up: :poke:

- DGW - 01-07-2003

just cause you want to touch the heiney

- Hey Ladi - 01-07-2003

:-o caught me, flatass :moonie:

- DGW - 01-07-2003

nope, baby aint got back here

vg is no longer the meanie

- Hey Ladi - 01-07-2003

[Image: biggrinangelA.gif] awwww

- virgingrrl - 01-07-2003

ha ha. :-p

- DGW - 01-07-2003

real funny huh
you like making people cry

- virgingrrl - 01-07-2003

i do not.

- DGW - 01-07-2003

modz and their power tripz Rolleyes

i take it back Ladi

Edited By DGW on 1041969596

- Hey Ladi - 01-07-2003

:banana: does that mean we can be friends now?

- virgingrrl - 01-07-2003

what the fuck? :disappointed:

- drusilla - 01-07-2003


- DGW - 01-08-2003

okay friend
what'z ferzt?

i think this is bezt VG
you are the A Original Meanie :-p

- virgingrrl - 01-08-2003

yeah, yeah, yeah. thats what they all say.

- DGW - 01-08-2003

i hate to be like the rest

- drusilla - 01-09-2003


- GonzoStyle - 01-10-2003

Quote:But still, you're wrong. I'm sorry that you can't know a relationship with someone of the opposite sex without wanting to fuck them.

Thats not true, I have many female friends whom I have never fucked nor thought of fucking. I just said you are full of shit cause you said you would NEVER fuck a female friend you were attracted to, i find that hard to believe.

- Buttmunch - 01-10-2003

Quote:Thats not true, I have many female friends whom I have never fucked nor thought of fucking. I just said you are full of shit cause you said you would NEVER fuck a female friend you were attracted to, i find that hard to believe.
You protest too much.

You just haven't had a friend of either sex that you didn't want to fuck.

- Maynard - 01-10-2003

Quote:I just said you are full of shit cause you said you would NEVER fuck a female friend you were attracted to, i find that hard to believe.
I never said that.

I said I wouldnt sleep with that one hot friend. But I've slept with female friends before. In fact...everyone I've slept with was a friend before we had sex.