Fuck you all! - My little manifestation - Printable Version

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- Sluggo - 01-26-2002


- Arpikarhu - 01-26-2002

SLASH Wrote:
Quote:Apri if you don't stop that shit I won't wait for Spit to put you in the Hole. I'll do it myself.
I hate to say, but so far arpi has made me laugh harder today than I have in the last I dunno how long on any message board!

I know this goes against everything I stand for by admitting that, but what's true is true.

I once bowed to av8er for his Kid is a Mod webpage, but now I bow to you arpi. You have become everything that Ken'sPen (your tag team partner) was made out to be.<font color=white>
my hearts is bursting with joy to know that i was able to make your day a better one. thank you for your praise and peace be with you