MTA Fair Hike - an affront to capitalism - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 03-07-2003

im wearing platforms, want to go fuck?

- Hey Ladi - 03-07-2003

it's all the same, when ya hit the sheets ;-)

- Keyser Soze - 03-07-2003


- JimmyBlueEyes - 03-08-2003

I got a friend who is a motorman on the J train. He woke me up to something. Where else can you pay a buck fifty to go just about anywhere in the city, sometimes faster than driving and be able to get dropped off within two blocks of home?? We're lucky. There are other places where the fares are higher with less than stellar service. Philly is an example. The trains, from what I remember, stop running after like 11pm. Not to mention they don't travel as far as our subways. DC also has higher fares as does LA and half the LA subway isn't even finished yet. An extra dollar a day is not going to kill you. So quit your bitching and suck it up.

- Suzie - 03-09-2003

Apparently you're not a single girl waiting on the platform for sometimes 30 min late at night. It's not about how much, just the fact that they're gonna raise it and not provide better service. It's not clean and not safe. AT least once a month I get stuck due to a track fire or some other service prob, and then I'm late for work and can't even call to tell them why cuz I'm trapped underground in a claustrophobic car for god knows how long.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 03-09-2003

No I'm a guy in a commited relationship...wanna fuck???

- Suzie - 03-09-2003

I don't think you can handle this.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 03-09-2003


- DGW - 03-10-2003
