Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 07-13-2003

Quote:I wouldn't say by any means that i'm "ignorant", I just choose not to look into every single theory that would condemn Bush. Believe it or not, not every thing this administartion has done was done so that Bush could take the focus off of "insert problem here".

It's not a theory, you just said bush went to africa for a political visit.

Do you have no clue why he is there? You just make one line comments that have no thought or fact to them.

these are some of your posts from this thread

In refernce to the original post about bush having false info about saddam buying plutonium.

Quote:another partison argument.... move along, nothing to see here...

Quote:see, but the difference is that Bush didn't get oral in the oval office, then lie about it in open court.
So waging bullshit wars and lying about the reasons is ok?

Quote:the premise was never false
Yes the premise of the iraq war was false, it wasnt about freeing the iraqui people until we were already closing in on baghdad.

Quote:I guess visits to foreign nations are uncommon for the president to make.

Thats not the point, the point is he is going there because he wants to start another war, to divert peoples attention from iraq and afghanistan. The point isnt that he's visiting another country, its why he is there.

My favorite

Quote:well I guess you will have to learn to deal with it after bush is reelected to an inevitable 2nd term over a bunch of nobody democrats

Like I said try educating yourself a bit more on the world around you before you start spewing off on shit you have no clue about. You are like many other americans just forming opinions from what you hear in snippets on TV and have no info yourself.

- LyricalGomez - 07-13-2003

I think one of the saddest statements ever was when Will Ferrell said alot of people came up to him and said they got their political news about the campaign in 2000 from SNL

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

until campaign finance is fixed so that you dont need 200 million dollars to run a presidential campaign nothing will change. it is always going to be people beholden to the corporate donations. bush is just doing what halliburton and exxon want him to do. we also need to outlaw lobbyists.

- The Sleeper - 07-13-2003

exactly, this electoral system teaches you that having your own views is punished and conforming to mass ideals is rewarded. fuck that, it's one step away from fascism.

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

sleeper has convinced me!
i am now an anarchist!!

- The Sleeper - 07-13-2003


- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

[Image: anarchy.jpg]

- HedCold - 07-13-2003

i skimmed this thread, but i thought part of the reason he's in africa is because the european nations wanted the us to go there to essentially protect what they had invested there

- Zootybang - 07-13-2003

Nazi's, the whole lot of you! If president Bush wanted to barge Into my house unannounced and rifle through my underwear drawer, I'd say "Yes sir, my commander-In-chief! Please forgive the skid marks, SIR!" because I am a good, law abiding citizen and I love my country.
You commie-nazi-satan worshipers would lead Sadam Hussein straight to the white house's secret entrance If given the chance.
You people dont deserve the freedom of 7-11 blueberry cream coffee and food emporium's fabulous breakfast buffet that you are afforded now. You should get bread and water, so you would better relate to your pinko comrades.

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003


- Zootybang - 07-13-2003

Is that a sarcastic ROFL smilie? Cause I'm too heated by these traitors to handle that right now.

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

i found you to be humorous. i find blind patriotism , done in jest or not, to be very funny.

- Zootybang - 07-13-2003

Then I salute you, sir, for recognizing my zeal and espri de corp!

- Velociti - 07-13-2003

I don't know what is more sad about the Bush haters, the fact that they whine and complain so much or the fact that they can do absolutely NOTHING about him.

- LyricalGomez - 07-13-2003

Yes, the people can do nothing, you get the dunce cap

- Zootybang - 07-13-2003

Hey, around here we have consideration for others feelings. they're not called "Bush haters". They're called "Homosexual men".

- Kim - 07-13-2003

Quote:"eliminating" political parties destroys what living in a republic governmental system is all about. You can't limit representation.

What would you be limiting you moron??? You should vote based on what a candidate stands for...issues...etc... Party should not matter.

People who vote straight tickets without knowing what the candidates stand for should be shot! :moonie:

- LyricalGomez - 07-13-2003

His point is valid, a candidate stands for his party first and foremost and will often forgo his own views and beliefs and not push certain issues based on party views.

Edited By LyricalGomez on 1058137941

- Arpikarhu - 07-13-2003

i cant puish either. it hurts my duodenum

- Zootybang - 07-13-2003

Thats where babies are made, right?