Is cdih dying? - Hey someone had to beat kid to the punch - Printable Version

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- Sephiroth - 05-13-2002

Is CDIH Dying you ask? Let me put it like this: is nothing more than discussion threads between 5 people : IrishAlkey, AntsInMyPants, RapeFantasizer, Silera and CRX Girl. When 5 people are doing all the posting on this site, you'll know we're dead then. Until then, sit back and watch K1d and Maynard go at each other's throats. Because if you're like me, you find their fights intensely funny.

- Maynard - 05-13-2002

Who's fighting?

- Kid Afrika - 05-13-2002

you do realize that we enjoy them as well, don't you?

- Sluggo - 05-13-2002

Then why the hell aren't you fighting?
C'mon guys...Take one for the team!

- Maynard - 05-13-2002

Quote:Take one for the team!
No Sluggo, that's your job. And can I just say, what a fine job you do.

And people thought you were invited for your lasagne. BAH!

- Kid Afrika - 05-13-2002

I can only speak for myself, but the arguments we have are real. they're just not real life.

I get a lot more passive when I smoke the weed. :fuggin:

- Sluggo - 05-13-2002

I never once thought they weren't real...
They are definately real entertaining...

- Kid Afrika - 05-13-2002

Quote:They are definately real entertaining

No spelling class this semester, eh sluggo?

- fbd - 05-13-2002 is nothing more than discussion threads between 5 people : IrishAlkey, AntsInMyPants, RapeFantasizer, Silera and CRX Girl
danked, hybrid and me post, too

- Sluggo - 05-14-2002

OH...Yeah...I'm the only one that makes any spelling errors here...

*note to self...use spell check evree tyme*

- Maynard - 05-14-2002

I didn't say they weren't real. I just said we weren't fighting. We're arguing. Maybe if k1d wasn't such a poopie head we'd all get along much better.

- PatCooper - 05-14-2002

I think threads like this make things interesting. It stirs the pot. And i think that's what kid is good at. So we should thank him and not hate on him.:poke:

- JIMMYSNUKA - 05-14-2002

yeah FIGHT FIGHT A NI.....nah i wont go there.

but maynard i heard kid called ya a watermellon chomping radio stealing cotton picker.

and kid i heard maynard called you a honkey wife beating peice of white trash!!

now fight dammit..dem is fightin words!!. kid the black one and maynard the white one.....DAMMIT...i know nobody.

- Kid Afrika - 05-14-2002

Quote:I think threads like this make things interesting. It stirs the pot. And i think that's what kid is good at. So we should thank him and not hate on him.
pat cooper checkin' in with some reason...

- Sluggo - 05-14-2002

I been checkin' in with some reezun two...
All that evar gets notist from me is spalling errors.

- Arpikarhu - 05-14-2002

i think we get it with the spelling routine sluggo. horse beaten carry on

- Sluggo - 05-14-2002

I will beat it till I am not singled out for my spelling...
K1d takes great pleasure in pointing them out, and pushing MY buttons with it...
I am so fucking sorry if it bothers you.

- Arpikarhu - 05-14-2002

Quote:K1d takes great pleasure in pointing them out, and pushing MY buttons with it...
you wrote "them", and then "it". you need to be more careful with your plurals.

- Maynard - 05-14-2002

Sluggo, I warn you now, this will go on for the next 5 weeks. :disappointed:

- Sluggo - 05-14-2002

I will, from this moment on, not even notice a single post by that...that...Thing.