Our Bad Mother Fuckers - Protecting our freedom - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 12-27-2002

oh... I'm sorry... :-(

- JerseyThunder - 12-27-2002

Quote:when it's tfec saying this to you it's probably just time to call it a day and

and yet you're almost as bad as he is sometimes.

- Arpikarhu - 12-27-2002

Quote:Leave it up to a pussy, would shit his pants if he had to defend freedom, no good take freedom for granted faggot like Arpi to fuck up a well intended thread like this.
this made my day!

Quote:I wish, but I'm a liability now.
more than you know buddy. more than you know.

- JerseyThunder - 12-27-2002

Quote:more than you know buddy. more than you know.

Look who's talking. :disappointed:

- Arpikarhu - 12-27-2002

snappy comeback. never did find that hat did you?

- crx girl - 12-27-2002

Quote:and yet you're almost as bad as he is sometimes
are you saying i should kill myself? :clueless:

- JerseyThunder - 12-27-2002

I said almost, not as bad. No one is that bad. Including me.

Edited By JerseyThunder on 1040967345

- crx girl - 12-27-2002

you make my head hurt

- JerseyThunder - 12-27-2002

Quote:you make my head hurt

I make everyone's head hurt so don't feel special. :-D

- GonzoStyle - 12-27-2002

Quote:I said almost, not as bad. No one is that bad. Including me.

But how can you not be as bad as him, when the him she said was that bad was you?

- DGW - 12-27-2002

i'm still interested in were OAS serve......secret agent man

- Metalfan - 12-27-2002

Might have been at the Battle of Bull Run.....any takers?

- OAS - 12-27-2002

Quote:OAS was nixon, bush or clinton in office when you served?
Nixon, and three that you forgot, Ford, Carter and Reagan. Consulted in the Clinton administration. Now if you know your history you can make some educated guesses, none of which I will ever confirm.

- DGW - 12-27-2002

i was right
secret agent man
agent 001

- LyricalGomez - 12-27-2002


- FAST FREDDY - 12-27-2002

Quote:you can make some educated guesses, none of which I will ever confirm.

That old gag
