Our slogan - Help come up with a new one for a cookie - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 03-03-2002

CDIH: Where sig whores breed.

- Sluggo - 03-03-2002

CDIH - You talkin' to me?

- Maynard - 03-03-2002

CDIH: All Ace Of Base, All of the time.

- Sean Cold - 03-03-2002

CDIH: where being a self loathing piece of runny dog shit is not only accepted, it is encouraged

CDIH: Yes, this is where Seph, Maynard, AM, and Sean went the day OTL launched

CDIH: I don't like me, so how can I like you?

CDIH: Hidden in the depths of ass raping and money shot sites, feels like home to me

CDIH: We came up with better names for our forums than blah blah blah

- Maynard - 03-03-2002

CDIH: Where status' dont mean dick.
CDIH: Where post count's mean even less.

- FNMoron - 03-03-2002

CDIH: proof that retards breed

- FNMoron - 03-03-2002

CDIH: where I'm funnier than you*

* - this does not apply to Keyser, Apri, fdbl, or LZMF1

- Sluggo - 03-03-2002

CDIH - The Uncensored Bottom Fuckin Slime!

- FNMoron - 03-03-2002

CDIH: where you don't mean shit to us

CDIH: Your Rules Don't Apply Here

CDIH: I had a point.... really I did...

- Sephiroth - 03-03-2002

CDIH : Dont worry, since Sephiroth is here, Austin doesnt try that bullshit internet-toughguy act.

- WhipThisFez - 03-03-2002

CDIH: Where Tequilla isn't a member

CDIH: Where post whoring is regular posting and regular posting is posting at all, and shit---don't get me started on what post whoring is.

- Brokenjaw - 03-03-2002

CDIH: The place to shop online, for gay-related merchandise
CDIH: Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have.
CDIH: Where beauty is only a light switch away.

- Sluggo - 03-03-2002

CDIH - 'Nuff said

- Brokenjaw - 03-03-2002

CDIH: This is not what you are used to.

- Luna - 03-03-2002

CDIH: All yuor posters are belong to us!!!!111!!!!

CDIH: All yuor members are belong to us!!!!11!

Edited By LunaBabe on Mar. 03 2002 at 10:43

- Luna - 03-03-2002

Ok....let me totally beat this one to the ground.

CDIH: All yuor cookies are belong to us!!!!111

- fbd - 03-03-2002

CDIH: Where thread hijacks are a way of life
CDIH: The official home of pictures of poop sex, beastiality, enlarged testes, venerial disease, disembodied heads, dead babies, old gay men, and pretty flowers.
CDIH: We'll hotlink if we damn well please

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Mar. 03 2002 at 11:04

- virgingrrl - 03-03-2002

CDIH: where VG always wins!11! :bouncer:

- JIMMYSNUKA - 03-03-2002

CDIH- Cream cheese and ass cheeks.

- AdolescentMasturbator - 03-03-2002

-Where Ikea still doesn't get out
-Where FN Moron is actually the mod for once