my day in the city... - Printable Version

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- QuickStop - 12-26-2003

well good then

- Mad - 12-26-2003

Next board gathering at QS's Subway?

- QuickStop - 12-26-2003

ill see you in pasadena!

- GonzoStyle - 12-26-2003

I bet QS is trying to avoid me with this pasedena nonsense.

- QuickStop - 12-26-2003

i would never...and i am extremely offended that you would even say, let alone think, such a thing.


- GonzoStyle - 12-26-2003

You cut me deep.

- QuickStop - 12-26-2003

cut this :fuckoff:

- QuickStop - 12-26-2003

that was mean...big hug! :thumbs-up:

- GonzoStyle - 12-26-2003


- QuickStop - 12-26-2003

i said big hug motherfucker!

- GonzoStyle - 12-26-2003

All I wanted was a footlong tuna with some sweet peppers and to meet THE quickstop.