After sex contact. - Printable Version

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- Is Don on the phone? - 02-23-2003

Does anyone else enjoy conversation after sex?

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 02-23-2003

Only if it's not really serious...I don't like talkin about serious stuff right after's wierd...

- Gooch - 02-23-2003's usually a conversation and a half just to get to sex. How much is left to talk about??? :-D

- Is Don on the phone? - 02-23-2003's usually a conversation and a half just to get to sex. How much is left to talk about???
Good point.....I guess I should have said small talk! I kinda like the post-coital banter, but it never does get really deep (if you'll pardon the expression).

- drusilla - 02-23-2003

food is good, it's nice to have a snack afterwards sometimes

- Gooch - 02-23-2003

i like to put a twinkie in her ass. This way I have a snack later.

- Kim - 02-23-2003

Quote:i like to put a twinkie in her ass. This way I have a snack later


- drusilla - 02-24-2003

Quote:i like to put a twinkie in her ass. This way I have a snack later.

sweet! :thumbs-up:

- Gooch - 02-24-2003


- Gooch - 02-24-2003

[Image: drusillagooched.jpg]

- drusilla - 02-24-2003

ha ha, i guess it's fuck with dru's sigs day

Edited By drusilla on 1046066304

- FNMoron - 02-24-2003

Quote:[Image: drusillagooched.jpg]
dru... you had better add that one to your rotation...

- drusilla - 02-24-2003

i was just gonna say that, along with [Image: poke.gif]

- StayOutDaBushes - 02-24-2003

the only thing i like after sex, would have to be another round of sex, there is really nothing that should be said after sex, except that was incredible i need more.

- The Jays - 02-24-2003

... You could always say "I hope you don't have any STD's"...

- StayOutDaBushes - 02-24-2003

That is true Jays, but i would hope you ask that before the sex, from my experience last weekend I would say ask first because you could end up fuckin the herp

- HollywoodJewMoses - 02-24-2003

one time i thought i had the herp :-(

- FNMoron - 02-24-2003

...just once :lol:

- The Jays - 02-24-2003

... yes, but it's such a romantic thing to say after sex...

- HollywoodJewMoses - 02-24-2003

yes. just once.