The Race For Mayor - who you voting for? - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 10-07-2005

Mayor election is coming up and was curious who everyone was voting for if they are voting, or like in the presidential election who would you vote for if you cared enough?

I dunno if anyone else watched the debate last night which bloomberg skipped. There was some other republican Ogalvine or something there and he had some great points but then started going downhill from there.

Ferrer is still my man and cemented it even more so with the debate. I hated how all the news outlets skewed the entire debate and ignored all the issues discussed from making a strong OEM for this city to Education and said that the entire debate was a big bash fest of bloomberg not showing up. That is far from the truth, there were comments made naturally but i'd say of the 2 hours of debate maybe 5 minutes was spent on bloomberg not showing up. But unfortunately todays media is skewed one way or the other for different reasons and thats a horrible thing but an entirely different subject.

On a side note Anthony Weiner who is also running used to live near me and used to come to the video store I worked at as a kid and rent the weirdest pornos and his girlfriend was a major junkie, thats mayor material.

- Goatweed - 10-07-2005

whichever one is pro-teacher & will actually get them some $$. it would be swell if that same cadidate was also looking to cut property taxes.

- Keyser Soze - 10-07-2005

as an outsider, it seems like bloomberg is doing a bang up job. i would like to see the teachers, firefighters, and cops get some more scratch tho.

- Goatweed - 10-07-2005

I think he gave the cops more $$, not sure about the firefighters but they did get those new super-strong ropes.

Teachers have always been, and will continue to be at the bottom of his list of priorities.

- lush - 10-07-2005

Ognibene is an asshole. I used to serve him bagels and stuff when I worked with George. He really did nothing for my community. He won't get my vote.
I will probably vote for the spic. His priorities lie within education and health insurance for kids. He comes from a humble background and has lived in New York all of his life. Bloomberg is from Boston, what bull.
As far as the debate at the Apollo goes, Bloomberg's first priority is the city and I think that the media should respect that but instead they bashed him for not showing up.

- Keyser Soze - 10-07-2005

bloomberg will show up to a debate, he has a ton of shit on his plate right now. from what i heard, he wasnt even invited to that debate, they made a big deal to try and make it seem like he was trying to run away from debating them.

- drusilla - 10-07-2005

I'm gonna stick with one of the jews, probably bloomberg. I feel like voting for weiner would be a waste, thought it will take votes away from ferrer. I have no idea what happened between him & my dad back in the day, but i think they hated each other. My mom remembers when ferrer was running for bronx borough president years ago he was walking around the bronx canvasing local businesses for votes & he walked into their office. My dad just threw him out. saying something like "Your father was a crook & you're a crook, get the fuck out." From then on the EPA was up my dads ass making sure everything was up to code with the extermination business. My dad was smart enough to make sure that it was, but they were always getting hassled.

- GonzoStyle - 10-07-2005

He was invited to the debate mr. insider, it was posted on wackbag. But seriously he was invited but apparently turned it done cause ovaltine was gonna be there and mike felt it'd be a waste debating against a republican, even though his main opponent ferrer was there. Ovaltine isn't participating in the other debates and mike is a fuckin asshole. Ferrer is for teachers and fire fighters, which bloomberg seems to have some vendetta against and he has some real good plans for education, affordable housing and dealing with the immigrant language barrier thats abundant in this city. Bloombergs been to busy closing firehouses and trying to build fuckin stadiums.

- The Jays - 10-07-2005

Ferrer cares nothing except for the borough in which he is from.

- Arpikarhu - 10-07-2005

how can you not vote for bloomberg? during the massive fiscal crisis this city was facing after 9-11, he pulled a rabbit out of a hat and kept this city from crumbling back to the seventies. ferrer is dinkins redux.

- Keyser Soze - 10-07-2005

im afraid to say i agree with arpi on this one.

- The Jays - 10-07-2005

I especially enjoy how all of the candidate EXCEPT the current mayor don't seem to know that there are five borough in the city.

Public schools in NYC are a joke, privatize that shit and stop letting government run it. And maybe if the niggers and spics would stop pissing in the hot air ducts and throwing chicken bones down the toilets, we could turn this city around!

- Arpikarhu - 10-07-2005

everybody stop and enjoy Jays trying to be edgy. They are so cute at this age!

- crx girl - 10-08-2005

weiner withdrew from the race. and the cops have signed a contract, all be it one that lowers the starting salary. hopefully i'll be able to vote by the next time.

- GonzoStyle - 10-08-2005

he probably had to withdraw thanks to that anonymous letter that described his fetish for chicks with dicks pornos and his girlfriend blowing every guy in the neighborhood for a loosey and a cheese sanguich.

- The Sleeper - 11-09-2005

i voted for jimmy mcmillan of the "rent is too damn high" party. finally, a candidate that speaks to me.

- GonzoStyle - 11-09-2005

so how much is bloomberg gonna win by?

- Keyser Soze - 11-09-2005

the nj race was far more interesting. forrester was running ads with quotes from corzine's estranged wife saying "jon let his family down, so you now he's gonna let nj down", low fucking blow!!!

- Goatweed - 11-09-2005

I didn't vote - ferrer seemed like a pussy, and bloomy sucks. lose lose, why bother.

- Gooch - 11-09-2005

Ferrer blows. It was easy, despite not agreeing with all of Bloomies moves. I personally think he's twice the mayor Guiliani was, who was overrated.