Soul calibur 2? - Any clue as to when? - Printable Version

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- Flock of Moosen - 04-07-2002

Of all the fighting games out there, Soul Calibur was my favorite of all-time. Now I see SC2 is coming out for the PS2, but I can't find any info as to excatly when the release date is.

Have any of you heard any info on this game and when it's due out?

- Kid Afrika - 04-07-2002

The day after you get over yourself? :roflmao: :bouncer: :roflmao:

- Flock of Moosen - 04-08-2002

Then that means it must be out already since I've never had an ego like you seem to believe.

Me thinks someone is still a little sore over being made to look like a bitch on another board. {:p}

- Kid Afrika - 04-09-2002

Let's see...

I was banned for a stupid reason. Which, I agree was bound to happen anyway, but was still stupid.

Then, after I was banned, I put your beloved leader in a position where he had to delete my account (which he hates to do).

So, where's the part where I look like a bitch? And even IF it was true... I still wouldn't give a shit.

Just because you're enough of a sheep that you are still at that suckass board, and a mod no less, don't come here trying to pull shit. You're out of your league here son. Back in the kiddie pool with you.