My IE Is Fucked - Printable Version

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My IE Is Fucked - Keyser Soze - 02-27-2006

So I stupidly decided to try out IE7 beta on my laptop. When I decided I wanted to revert back to IE6, i removed IE7 and re-installed IE6, i found that everytime I opened a page in IE6 it automatically fires up FF and opens it there.

Any ideas how I can get IE6 back to normal? The 'make IE the default browser' checkbox is shadowed out under internet options in IE.

- Gooch - 02-27-2006

use firefox. i never try betas b/c they are too problematic for the overrated features they offer.

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2006

thank you captain obvious. can anyone actually provide me with a useful reply?

- Black Lazerus - 02-27-2006

why didn't you just uninstall the upgrade from the control panel

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2006

i did

- Black Lazerus - 02-27-2006

so why did you reinstall ie6?

you shouldn't have had too

- Galt - 02-27-2006

can't you just do a system restore?

- HedCold - 02-27-2006

yea when i uninstalled ie7 my ie6 went back to normal. i didn't have to do anything else

- Gooch - 02-27-2006

Hit the EASY button

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2006

i uninstalled IE7....IE6 didnt work, so i tried reinstalling IE6.....that didnt work gonna try system restore.

- Mad - 02-27-2006

Amazing how someone who is in charge of overseeing others knows so little about basic computing.

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2006

actually thats usually how it works. fix my computer bitch!

- Mad - 02-27-2006

Finally you're admitting that you're a know nothing, do nothing.

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2006

finally? i've been making that clear since day one. where the fuck have you been?

- Mad - 02-27-2006

Who pays attention to your mindless drivel?

- Keyser Soze - 02-27-2006

apparently you do.