Poluted water fishing - Slammin stripers - Printable Version

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- Sluggo - 04-13-2002

Any of you fucknuts go fishing for stripers?
Lemme tell you...
The Hackensack river is full of 'em right now...

- Sluggo - 04-15-2002

OK...So you don't give a shit...
But my buddies killed 'em this weekend...
A couple well over 20 lbs. too.

- Keyser Soze - 04-15-2002

That reminds me, I haven't gone fishin' in quite awhile. When are we getting a party boat?

- The Sleeper - 04-15-2002

Fishing is boring

- Sluggo - 04-15-2002

Quote:That reminds me, I haven't gone fishin' in quite awhile. When are we getting a party boat?
I'm all for that!
If we get like 6 people, that don't mind spending a little more than what a trip on a party boat goes for...
We can do a charter when things warm up a little.

- HedCold - 04-15-2002

last time i went fishing a few years ago i threw up. it wasn't a pretty site. puked up oreo's everywhere.

- Luna - 04-15-2002

Sometimes I go fishing with my mom and her husband. They have a pontoon(sp?) boat.
It's lotsa fun. I don't fish myself, but, it's fun to go with them.

- Keyser Soze - 04-15-2002

Fishing is boring if you look at it on the surface. The enjoyment come from being out on the water with friends, eating and drinking and having a good time.

- LZMF1 - 04-16-2002

slugboy, lemme know the next time you're going.

stripers always put up such a great fight!!!!!

- Sluggo - 04-16-2002

Lemme just say this...
The water in the river is really cleaning up...
The water is THICK with Gizzard Shad...They wouldn't be there if it was nasty...
(I still wouldn't eat the stripers)

- DGW - 04-18-2002

I'd be up for a fishing trip...anyone go this past weekend? Freshwater season opened.

- Sluggo - 05-05-2002

Last night, from like 11:00 till around 4:00 in the morning...
The fishing was fucking amazing!!!
I went with about 6 guys, down to our secret spot, somewhere in Rumson...
I got the first hookup, what a fighter!
It was a 34" striped bass, followed immediately by another about 27"...I was hot!
All total we caught like 25 bass, all were keeper size, but, (limit is two per man, one 24" or better, and one 28" or better) we tossed most back.
My one buddy got a 18 lb. Black Drum, which is a bit unusual that far up the coast...
And there were a few blues, two nice big fluke (really early for them)...
And 2 Weakfish over 10 lbs...
What a fucking night!!!

- HedCold - 05-05-2002

psh, you expect us to believe a fishing story? we need pictures.

- Galt - 05-05-2002

I so thought you were talking about strippers. I thought that a bunch of dead bodies showed up in the river recently.

- Sluggo - 05-05-2002

HedCold...All fishermen are liars, except me and you, but I'm not so sure about you...:fuckoff:

- Hybrid - 05-05-2002

i love fishing. usually i'm with my grandpa and we go fishing for fluke on the miss L.B.I. down in...well L.B.I. :-D

Edited By HyBriD on May 05 2002 at 11:34