I have lost all faith...... - In wrestling - Printable Version

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- Jack - 05-06-2002

With the upcoming name change looming on the horizon and the recent split fiasco, I have lost all faith in the WWF. I was a true follower. I Tried not to miss anything if I could help it. If I had to miss it, I had someone tape it for me. I even watched Metal/Jakked, Excess, and SNH.

I defended the WWF numerous times on that other message board site when Se7en or Sir O would thrash it. But now there is nothing to defend. How can I counteract a bad point with a good point when there are so few to be found?

The WWF (WWE?) had my faith for many years. Although not for as long as some. I watched on as Hulkamania came to an end, the Undertaker came to be the phenom, and Rocky went from being an XPac type wrestler that everyone hated to the most beloved superstar on the roster. How could things have gotten as bad as they are?

The above mentioned actions combined with the lack in any general direction have driven me to almost loathe watching what I used to consider "Must See TV".

I think it lies in their thought that the fans are stupid. How do they not think that we will be insulted when one week, wrestler A hates wrestler B's guts and would do anything to kill him, yet the next week they are buddies and are out there being a tag team. (Rock and Hulk Hogan - example) Do they seriously think that we aren't going to remember the hatred the two had for the other the week before?

I also think it is their lack of long term story lines. Building up a good feud that actually lasts for more than one episode would be nice for a change.

It's too bad the WWF will never read any of this. Not that it would do any good anyways.

- Hybrid - 05-06-2002

Quote:I even watched Metal/Jakked, Excess, and SNH.
that's sad

- Jack - 05-06-2002

ah who asked you anyway.

- Sir O - 05-06-2002

Well, Jack, (say it with me) there's tons of wrestling out there that isn't WWF. Maybe now is a good time to check out a local indy or buy a foreign tape.

Just because Vince is serving up a shitty product doesn't mean you need to stop watching wrestling if you really don't want to.

- Skitchr4u - 05-06-2002

I was home yesterday afternoon, and wanted to watch something good, but didn't want to have to think...know what i did? come on, ok I will tell you. I broke out a tape of ECW from 95/96. I watched good matches, good in ring psychology, and guys who busted their ass and cared, and storylines that mattered. It was great to see a young Jericho in a 4 corner match. Then to see Sabu before he was a waste of roster space...there was an eddy v malenko match on the tape...i was in heaven.

my advice jack, is to do what sir o suggested and just go watch what you used to love...i only watch raw and the ppv's now, so i won't give up completely...but i am not going to waste my time with the rest ofthe garbage they put out.

- Keyser Soze - 05-06-2002

hehe, wrestling is gey

- Skitchr4u - 05-06-2002

so are you :fuckoff:

- Spitfire - 05-06-2002

:-( I barely even watch wrestling anymore, if it's on I'm usually reading

I go see my friends' house show at EWA in hickville Jackson, and it entertains me more than the WWF...
There's some indies, even around here, CZW is pretty insane and you can check them out at the old ECW Arena...Mr. Spit loves hardcore wrestling so we have plenty of XPW and CZW tapes and a bunch of Japanese ones too. The Japanese PPV they had on last weekend was really entertaining! And they actually have women who kick some major ass in the ring.

Ah, the power of choice...

- Keyser Soze - 05-06-2002

i too have lost fayth in wrestling.

whoops, wrong board.

- Kid Afrika - 05-06-2002

damnit soup, you beat me to it. Confusedneak:

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 05-06-2002

I'm pissed. The roster split sucks. Raw is the same shit every week, NWO vs. SC and Some other guy(ie Bradshaw, Big Show, or Flair)...I'm actually glad I'm not at school anymore and don't have cable so I don't have to even be tempted to watch it. Smackdown blows ass also (ie last week when they played the Undertakers music and Hogan rolled up a confused Jericho for the pin) WORST MATCH EVER! :fuckoff: WWF I hate you again...the only reason I watch now is for Lita, Torre, and Stacy.

- HedCold - 05-06-2002

Quote:don't have cable
you don't have cable? freak.

- diceisgod - 05-07-2002

Say what you want about the WWF, but William Regal is fast becoming one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. More mic time for Regal = More better

- Keyser Soze - 05-07-2002

haha, they had to change their name to the WWE, that name SUCKS!

- Galt - 05-07-2002

The WWF stopped being good when Miss Elizabeth passed two layers of makeup.

- GonzoStyle - 05-07-2002

Who couldn't smell Ric Flairs turn tonight? It was so obvious.

It used to be that whatever you thought the angle would be in the WWF the complete opposite would happen 9 times out of 10. It's becoming overly predicatble now and there is nothing happening.

The nWo was supposed to be a huge acusition but they broke it up in a month. They have replaced Nash with Big Show for now and I don't see where that's going. X-pac makes me sick. Lesner is exciting but it's Goldberg all over again, they can have Nash beat him in a few months with Hall zapping him with a prod.

There are some high points but the bad is outweighing the good. I like the Taker and Hogan angle so far though. But now with Rock's future in the air and Austin stuck in a circle and HHH not trully being "The Game" I don't see where this is gonna go. They need to make a huge signing and not fuck it up. Bring back Shane and Steph and bring up some of the mid carders to main event status and flush out some of the main eventers.

The entire Jericho title reign was a farce, the guy is champion one PPV then he doesn't even have a match at the next one? That's trully bad fuckin handling of angles there. His alliance with Steph was horribly handled as well, plus I think they need a commisioner role again, Foley woould be good but HBK would be better.

- Sir O - 05-07-2002

Quote:Say what you want about the WWF, but William Regal is fast becoming one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. More mic time for Regal = More better

I knew I liked DIG for a reason. I have nothing bad to say about anyone who can see how totally awesome Regal is.

Unless you were being sarcastic, i which case I will come to Philly and violently rape you with a spork.

- Skitchr4u - 05-07-2002

regal is great...i love his character, always have. its just too bad that the wwf treats him like a piece of garbage jobbing to spike flipping dudley...