A thread for magus! - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 05-06-2002

So I know this is ultra geeky, but I don't give a rats ass. How many of you have played D&D? Either now, or in the past? I used to play, then didn't for years. Last year, my friend tried to get a game going again, but it only lasted for like a month.

So now we're trying to get a game going again. We have loads of fun. It's not geeky at all, we chill out, drink beers, and bullshit and bust each others balls. In fact, we dont get that much accomplished with the game usually. We just kind of hang out.

So have you guys played D&D or any other RPG? There's tons of them out there.

- Lord Magus - 05-06-2002

gee.. if this is a thread for ME... I wonder if that means I've allready played??? heh heh heh

I have alternates to suggest as well:
White Wolf: Vampire (personal horror) Mage(reality-horror) Changeling (tragic-fantasy) Mummy (ancient war with evil) Hunter (kill all of the above)

Deadlands: Man with no Name meets Pinhead (or as they put it, the Spaghetti Western with Meat)

Paranoia (how many different ways can you die today?)

Call of Cthulhu (Lovecraft's mind-shredding evils, you get to fight them!!)

- Maynard - 05-06-2002

I would love to play Call of Cthulhu, but I think the only other one in the group that would like it is my one friend. He's read every Cthulhu related story he can get his hands on.

- HedCold - 05-06-2002

i played once. one of the dumbest things i've ever taken part in.

- Maynard - 05-06-2002

Yeah, thats the typical response from people with no imagination. I think people are just afraid of it. It's like reading a book, only you are the one writing the book, with several other people. I always thought it was geeky too, but once you play, it's really not.

- HedCold - 05-06-2002

Quote:I always thought it was geeky too, but once you play, it's really not.
yeah, thats the typical response from the geek who doesn't want to admit thats what he is.:bouncer:

- crx girl - 05-06-2002

Quote:I would love to play Call of Cthulhu, but I think the only other one in the group that would like it is my one friend. He's read every Cthulhu related story he can get his hands on
does seph know he's your only friend?

i used to watch the cartoon, that was fun. i guess i'd play if it was brought to me and dropped in my lap, i'm lazy like that.

- Luna - 05-06-2002

I used to play D&D, but, that was a loooong time ago.
I loved it...thought it was alot of fun. :-D

- Hey Ladi - 05-06-2002

Quote:White Wolf:
A guy I dated in college used to write these books... I think it was White wolf. It had "wolf" in the title anyway. :thumbs-up:

- Skitchr4u - 05-06-2002

i played a few times back in the day...but most of my friends were like hedcold...afraid to be called geeks

- Keyser Soze - 05-06-2002

only if you let me wear the wizard hat and supply the funions and mountain dew.

:::douche chills::::

- Sephiroth - 05-06-2002

I was into Warhammer 40k for about 2 months, but I stopped playing because :

1) I was tired of spending 2 hours to paint every figure, only to have them wiped out in the first 3 minutes of the game.
2) Got too expensive. When I decided to quit, I took all my remaining peices, painted them up, and sold them as lots on Ebay. Made about $200, so I barely broke even.

- Danked - 05-06-2002

I have a case of Magic the Gathering cards that comes with two decks, a playing guide, and a bag of marbles that are suppossed to represent hit points or magic points I think. I think it cost me $25. I've played it once. I was very confused by it.

I feel like such a sucker. :angry:

- Maynard - 05-06-2002

Magic isn't an RPG, its a "trading card game". :thumbs-up:

And yes, it's pretty gay.

- Keyser Soze - 05-06-2002

Quote:Magic isn't an RPG, its a "trading card game".

And yes, it's pretty gay.

Whereas D&D is ubercool and chicks dig it?

- HedCold - 05-06-2002

Quote:Whereas D&D is ubercool and chicks dig it?
the AD&D players get the real hotties

- Danked - 05-06-2002

:clueless: Silly me for not knowing the difference.

- Maynard - 05-06-2002

Quote:the AD&D players get the real hotties
Rolleyes It's all about D20 now silly ass.

- Lord Magus - 05-06-2002

Dude.... D&D chics are easy sluts man!!
And believe it or not, alot of times they're pretty hot too.
So many wasted opportunities to score 'cause I just had to get that damn +5 Holy Avenger..... I think I need to rearrange my priorities.....

- fbd - 05-06-2002

i've played the old d&d computer games...does that count?