Wwe regains just a little bit of my faith. - Scott hall gone from wwe - Printable Version

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- Jack - 05-07-2002

Scott Hall has been released by the WWE.


Quote:Sources tell that Scott Hall was released today by the WWE.
Hall was reportedly "wasted" for much of the trip to England over the past weekend and showed up to RAW in much the same condition yesterday although he was improved by airtime.

Hall's release is effective immediately according to our sources.

Quote:As a follow up to what Bob Ryder reported on Scott Hall's release by WWE, I heard from a few sources that Hall was partying in "Animal House" like fashion over the weekend. It got so bad that he actually fell asleep backstage at the UK PPV, during the show. I was told that the decision to let him go was 90% made yesterday morning, and when Hall showed up at TV at less than 100%, it sealed the deal.

From <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

Quote:Hall, WWE part ways

World Wrestling Entertainment senior vice president for talent relations Jim Ross announced today that WWE and Scott Hall have mutually agreed to end their contractual relationship. WWE wishes Hall the best of luck in his future endeavors.

So, I guess this step (even though it is just a small one) forward has regained just a smidgen of my respect for the WWE. Hopefully they will get rid of more of the Dinosaurs and let the good wrestlers actually shine.

- Hybrid - 05-07-2002

hogan will never die. remember that.

- Keyser Soze - 05-07-2002

haha WWE sounds like Wee Wee.


- The Dragon - 05-08-2002

The WWE has to get rid of half it's roster to regain any faith I once had in it.

- PatCooper - 05-08-2002

This from

Quote:Hall, WWE part ways
World Wrestling Entertainment senior vice president for talent relations Jim Ross announced today that WWE and Scott Hall have mutually agreed to end their contractual relationship. WWE wishes Hall the best of luck in his future endeavors.

- Hybrid - 05-08-2002

are you blind? it says the EXACT same thing in jacks post.

- Sean Cold - 05-08-2002

Wow, so now the nWo has no founding nWo members. Why can't Xpac be a fuckin drunk so he can get fired too?

- Grumpy - 05-08-2002

I've lost my entire motivation to watch wrestling after the Raw/Smackdown split. The plot lines suck ass. The matches are not as exciting to watch anymore. They need some serious revisions to get people back. Getting rid of Scott Hall is a start.

Anyone know what ever happen with Steiner? Is he signing on or not? That might add some flair to the show. I'd love to see Big Pappa beat the crap out of Brock Lesnar. He needs to be taught a lesson.

- Skitchr4u - 05-08-2002

brock needs to be taught a lesson why? cause he is getting a push? thats right, in one breath talk about the young guys getting a push, then when they are, squash them with an ancient guy who can't work to save his life...typical

- Grumpy - 05-08-2002

relax there're missing the point. The WWE needs an injection of new scripting. Bringing steiner back, who had his share of seriously abusing people in the ring and getting out of control, and putting him against brock who seems to take shit wayyyyy to far (watch his footage. he misses moves and spots alot and looks like he really hurt his opponents - intentional or not.) I think it would be great to see them just beat the shit out of each other in chaotic match.

And when the hell did you become SKitAfrika with the oppressive "the man is keeping them down" bullshit? Try looser underwear. You're cutting off the circulation to your brain.

- Sean Cold - 05-08-2002

And Mr. Perfect has now been fired as well, seems that UK trip was nothing but a huge fuckin mess.

Quote:Mr. Perfect had been drinking when he instigated a fight with Brock Lesnar on the recent WWF UK flight. Lesnar lost his cool and tackled Perfect into the side of one of the plane emergency doors. Perfect has been involved in other acts of misconduct recently as well, although details aren't available.

Quote:Serious Heat On Goldust For UK Tour Behavior
Posted By Ashish on 05.08.02
Goldust is under serious heat with WWE management due to his behavior during the WWE's recent UK tour. He was apparently "partying hard" and his conduct was bad. Mr. Perfect was released earlier today due to his bad conduct on the tour.

Quote:More details continue to come in concerning the WWE's recent flight back from the UK tour. As reported earlier, Michael Hayes fell asleep on the flight and had his hair cut off. The hair was then hung up in the locker room at RAW this past Monday. Hayes has been extremely upset about the incident.

On the flight, Hayes apparently had an altercation with Bradshaw. Bradshaw had a cut on his forehead opened by Hayes and responded by decking Hayes. It is unknown whether this happened before or after the hair cutting incident.

Quote:More information is now available about the now infamous WWE UK flight. Mr. Perfect and Brock Lesnar apparently got into a fight during the flight. Perfect was the one to instigate the fight. Paul Heyman got involved and calmed Lesnar down.

Earlier today on the Bubba the Love Sponge show, Hulk Hogan said that Triple H attempted to break up the fight and that all of them fell into the emergency exit door which almost ended up opening in mid-flight

- Hybrid - 05-08-2002

holy shit. that would have been interesting if the door opened and all of the superstars fell out... this sucks though, i liked mr. perfect.

- Gooch - 05-09-2002

Quote:holy shit. that would have been interesting if the door opened and all of the superstars fell out... this sucks though, i liked mr. perfect.

Interesting imagery. Yeah, i liked Mr. Perfect too...and the WWF wasn't really utilizing him well after that great showing at the Royal Rumble.

- TheGMANN - 05-09-2002

gee....I guess there aint gonna be no more trips to the UK anymore. damn.....I was so psyched to see Mr.Perfect and Bossman team up...I was thinking future tag team champs....dammit!

- Spitfire - 05-09-2002

The wrestlers are unhappy, the fans are unhappy...Wake the fuck up Vince!

- GonzoStyle - 05-10-2002

Here is what else I could dig up mostly the same info but a few extra tid bits and also some very good questions and revalations.

- Steve Austin did not participate or involve himself in any way on the incidents that occured on the flight home from the UK. Reportedly, Austin and his wife Debra sat upfront and slept through the entire flight.

- However, at RAW Austin was supposedly very "vocal" about not wanting Michael Hayes to be his agent anymore, given what happened on the plane and how Hayes acted.

- Undertaker was somewhat in the middle of the shenanigans, basically trying to play a mediator role especially in the scuffle between Bradshaw and Hayes.

- A lot of wrestlers feel that Michael Hayes got what he deserved with his hair being cut since he apparently started the incident with Bradshaw. As a result, no one wants to come forward and reveal who cut his hair in fear that the guilty individual will get punished undeservedly.

- A lot of the agents (Hayes, Gerry Brisco and Arn Anderson) got heat from management for letting the situation escalate to the point that it did. Other management are also wondering why Jim Ross, who was on the flight, did not take a firmer stand against what was happening.

- A lot of wrestlers stated that Scott Hall was not fun to be around backstage and that his release was deserved. Even Kevin Nash agrees with the WWE's decision.

- RAW on Monday had to be re-written the day of the show to accomodate for those people who were about to be fired.

- More details on the Curt Hennig/Brock Lesnar incident have also come to light. Apparently it was Curt Hennig who instigated the scuffle all the way as throughout the fight he kept ribbing Lesnar about who the better shoot wrestler was. They ended up getting into it and Lesnar took Hennig down a couple of times in the aisle but was told to stop by Triple H, Paul Heyman and Fit Finlay which he completely agreed to. However, Hennig was not through and kept the ribbing up, prompting Triple H to physically get into the middle of it.

- The situation of all three of them falling into the emergency exit was blown out of proportion by Hulk Hogan, who spoke about the incident on a radio show. Apparently only Triple H was pushed into the exit but the door had no real danger of opening.

- As for Hennig, he was also doing other ribs on the flight, including putting shaving cream into Big Show's hair. Hennig has gotten heat with management in the past for his habits (he used to ride with Lesnar and the WWE was concerned that Curt was teaching Brock some bad habits) and had him dissociate himself with Lesnar. But after the split, the two began riding together again and due to all the stuff that went down on the flight, the WWE felt it was best to simply release him.

- Brock Lesnar for his part has no heat with management and it is believed that he was not at fault in this whole mess.

- Jim Ross recently conducted a radio interview in which he stated that Bill Goldberg's Time Warner/AOL contract is not yet totally bought out. However, when all the paperwork is finalized, WWE will sit down and discuss contracts with him.

- Reportedly, Steve Austin has been notably unhappy backstage in the WWF. When he returned from his post WrestleMania hiatus, Austin was said to be recuperated, although lately he has taken a turn for the worse, in terms of his attitude. For now, take that information merely for what it's worth.

- Skitchr4u - 05-10-2002

lots of interesting items there

and spit may have put it best...they are going to get like that when they are all that unhappy, it shows on tv when they are drowning out boos on thursday nights with "canned applause"