Poker anyone? - Any gamblers here? - Printable Version

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- criticslovesnatch - 05-13-2002

I've turning into a big gambling addict this semester - its pretty bad...I play poker way too often.

Any other poker players here? what games do you play?

I play with a bunch of guys on my floor, usually we play Texas Hold em and 7 Stud, and throw in some other games once in a while. we usually buy in 20 and play $4 max raise/bet, thats at the bigger table of the two that i go to - hey what do you want we're broke ass college students

Edited By criticslovesnatch on May 13 2002 at 2:04

- Maynard - 05-13-2002

I used to play alot with this old group of friends I had. We'd drink alot of beer and play nickle and dime. Haven't done it in years though. I'd like to find some people to play with again. It's alot of fun as long as you don't take the gambling part too seriously.

- criticslovesnatch - 05-13-2002

yeah i agree...i'm not there to make any money i just have a good time

i'm probably even for the semester, maybe up 15 or 20 bucks after playing many many times.

- Maynard - 05-13-2002

Do you play for any real amounts? Or just low dollar amounts? The big money games scare me because I have such an addictive personality, I'd develop a problem very quickly.

- The Sleeper - 05-13-2002

Casinos are probably my favourite places in the whole world. I own in Blackjack.

- Galt - 05-13-2002

Here's the thing: If you can't spot the sucker in your first 30 minutes at the are the sucker.

- Maynard - 05-13-2002

Quote:Casinos are probably my favourite places in the whole world. I own in Blackjack.
Casinos are alot of fun. But I usually will only play craps or slots. Maybe a little roulette. I stay away from cards most of the time because I always think the dealers are trying to cheat me.

- criticslovesnatch - 05-13-2002

Quote:Here's the thing: If you can't spot the sucker in your first 30 minutes at the are the sucker.
half the time at our table is spent quoting that movie.

There are 2 games that I go to here. one is with my close friends and that is a very low limit table, $1 max bet/raise, $10 buy in. The other game that i go to much more rarely is mcuh higher stakes, i went yesterday there was at least $600 floating around the got pretty intense.

- IkeaBoy - 05-13-2002

I've never been to a casino but I'd like to go. I have this feeling that I'd like gambling a bit too much though. As for cards I can definitely see myself more a 21 kind of guy than a poker kind of guy.

- OAS - 05-13-2002

Dealers won't cheat you, but they watch everything you do and they know every card they deal you.

I too used to play a lot of low stakes poker. I'm game if anyone want's to get up a game. Play alot of 5 and 7 card stud, Cincinnati, Texas Hold'em.

- Maynard - 05-13-2002

Quote:I too used to play a lot of low stakes poker. I'm game if anyone want's to get up a game. Play alot of 5 and 7 card stud, Cincinnati, Texas Hold'em.
Confusedniff: Confusedniff:

I smell the makings of a CDIH AC road trip!

- OAS - 05-13-2002

Fuck AC, play at someones home. Why give a casino part of the pot?

- Skitchr4u - 05-13-2002

yeah, and ya can't smoke pot in ac either

- Maynard - 05-13-2002

Quote:yeah, and ya can't smoke pot in ac either
Why not?

Yes OAS, at someones home would be better. But, who would open their home to this bunch of misfits. Have you looked around here lately??

- OAS - 05-13-2002

Quote:Yes OAS, at someones home would be better. But, who would open their home to this bunch of misfits. Have you looked around here lately??
Didn't Ladi say she was always open? :lol:

- Hey Ladi - 05-13-2002

Humpf Et tu Brute? Confusedneak:

Ok, I don't play but I can pour drinks .... can i come too? I say we schedule this after the BBQ @ Grumpy's & the Parties @ at Luna's & Spit's.... :thumbs-up: ;-)

- OAS - 05-13-2002

Quote:Ok, I don't play but I can pour drinks .... can i come too?
All depends how well you pour....:lol:

- Keyser Soze - 05-13-2002

My friends and I play every few weeks. Usually cash in $50 each, 5 to 6 people. We play alot of different games. 5 card stud, follow the queen, midnight baseball, three fifty seven, guts, and a couple others. Thankfully we all play together often so everyone knows the rules. The game that usually results in the biggest pots is "three fifty seven". In this game you get dealt cards in 3 intervals. The first time you get 3 cards. The best hand you can get in that hand is a 3, a 5 and a 7. Other than that you try to make a 3 of a kind or flush or straight among those cards to win. 3's are wild. Everyone holds their cards in the air, face down so you cant see them and the dealer yells, 1..2...3 drop. If you stay in and someone else stays in, the loser has to pay the pot and the game continues, if only one person stays in they have to beat the "bitch hand" which was dealt seperate from everyone elses. Then the game continues with 2 more cards being dealt, 5's wild now and the same events take place. The last hand you get 2 more cards and the game continues until someone wins the entire pot after 7 cards are dealt. Its a great game where you can win a ton or totally lose your shirt.

Oh and I regularly drop about $500 in A.C. but i've walked out up 1 to 2 grand on occassion.

Edited By Keyser Soze on May 13 2002 at 4:34

- Sloatsburgh - 05-13-2002

Poker is less about cards and odds and more about knowing personalities and noticing traits. I'm too nervous and hyper to play. Plus I don't want to figure people out. I just wish they were dead.

- criticslovesnatch - 05-13-2002

3 5 7 is a decent potbuilder...i'm in general not a fan of those because they involve less skill and more luck because theres no betting or interpreting bets. we play a couple of those but more poker games usually.