To sue or not to sue... - At least i got poetic justice - Printable Version

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- Spitfire - 05-28-2002

I just had the best weekend ever, saw amazing bands with unreal musicians (especially drummers), met all sorts of cool, chill people! There was not a harsh word to be found, the vibe in the bar was outstanding...and it didn't hurt that the beer (you can't beat $2 for a Rolling Rock or a shot of Jager) and buds and spacecakes (insanely intense pot brownies) flowed freely Everything was pretty much perfect.

Well, almost perfect...

2 minutes from my house, we were stopped at a red light to go on to my street. The light turns green, we go, but an on-duty cop coming fast off the bridge decides to try to go through the red light. Hits my car in the passenger side, right between the 2 doors, spun us around. Not sure if the frame is bent, I have to get an estimate. Nice way to end a weekend, huh? We're pretty much ok, sore, shaken all the hassles begin Rolleyes

How much money can I get from them? hehe
At least it's nice to see a cop finally getting in trouble for abusing authority...

- OAS - 05-28-2002

The more "pain and sufferring" you can show, mental anguish, fear of police harrassment, etc, the more you can get. Find a good lawyer with a track record of suing police. You can start your life off as Mrs. Spit in pretty decent shape. Good luck, and remember my consultation fee.

- SLASH - 05-28-2002

Sue! I will be a witness.

- Maynard - 05-28-2002

My suggestion would be not to make it look like you're trying to rake them over the coals. If you set reasonable demands, you're much more likely to win than if you ask for the whole piggy bank. The may even just settle out of court if it's a reasonable amount.

- IrishAlkey - 05-28-2002

I'd like to remind Spit that I'm available for marriage.

- OAS - 05-28-2002

Quote:My suggestion would be not to make it look like you're trying to rake them over the coals. If you set reasonable demands, you're much more likely to win than if you ask for the whole piggy bank. The may even just settle out of court if it's a reasonable amount.
What fantasy world are you living in Maymay? There is no reasonable settlement. The officer using his authority miss-used it causing irreparable damage with wanton disregard for the safety of the citizens he was sworn to protect. Surely a police officer should know the dangers of trying to run a red light. If he has ever ticketed someone for that same offense you can start ringing up the cash register.

Edited By OAS on May 28 2002 at 2:47

- Spitfire - 05-28-2002

Sorry, Alkey, I'm taken:-p

I'm hoping my car is totaled...and they just handle all our bills, etc. And maybe give me a good down payment for a new Jeep :-D Or just get my car fixed. Any more...well, that's a big decision...

Right before the accident happened we were coincidentally talking about how people are so sue-happy, wanting to make a fast buck and get rich quick from lawsuits...strange that right after the convo this happens...

Buttmunch, comment???

- IrishAlkey - 05-28-2002

I'd like to remind Spit that I'm available for cheap, sexual favors. :thumbs-up:

- Maynard - 05-28-2002

Fuckin relax OAS. Jesus christ. I didn't say the cop was right in any way. She is looking for hassle-free. If she asks for a reasonable amount, then she's more likely to get it. Should she get a little more for mental anguish etc.? hell yeah. But to go off asking for a ton of money and try and take them to the cleaners, she's bound to end up with nothing, and tons of headache over it.

I hate those people that are sue happy.

- OAS - 05-28-2002

Quote:I hate those people that are sue happy.
Until you're in a position to be one of them. The system is what it is. Until the system is changed, take it for what it's worth.

- Maynard - 05-28-2002

No, the reason I wouldn't do that is because I fucking hate people that are always trying to weasel shit out of other people. Take what you need. Maybe if people didn't sue for 1 billion dollars, then a cup of coffee at McDonalds might not cost $1.50. If you're too dumb to know the coffee's hot, then you deserve to get burned. In spit's case, of course she's right, and deserves to be compensated for it. I jsut don't think she should sue for millions.

America has become sick with excess.

- IrishAlkey - 05-28-2002

Quote:The system is what it is.

In other words, OAS thinks the cop should be thrown in the middle of the Colisseum and the lions should be released. ;-)

- Arpikarhu - 05-28-2002

she should really ask for the moon cause then they will settle for an amount larger than what she would have gotten for in a "reasonable" action. thats why they call it a settlement

- Weird NJ - 05-28-2002

Don't fix the car Spit. Most likely the car is totaled. It'll just never be the same after repairs, trust me I do it for a living AND it's happened to me. Not the cop part though. What kind of car do you drive?

- Arpikarhu - 05-28-2002

Quote:What kind of car do you drive?

- Spitfire - 05-28-2002


It's a Mazda Protege. Hit right in between the 2 doors, going, maybe 35-40 mph, spun the car around 270 degrees... one inch to left or right and either Mr. Spit or my best friend would have been way fucked up....tough shit to think about............

- DGW - 05-28-2002

He was on duty so I really don't think you'll have a problem collecting from the city.

OAS, Spit did say he was on duty. You saying he misused his authority and that he showed wanton disregard for the safety of citizens is a bit over the edge. He could have been on his way to a call.

Edited By DGW on May 28 2002 at 3:24

- Maynard - 05-28-2002

Question....were his lights on? If his lights were on, then they COULD use that as a defense, even though they're supposed to stop at a red light first to make sure it's clear to go through before entering the intersection.

- OAS - 05-28-2002

Quote:one inch to left or right and either Mr. Spit or my best friend would have been way fucked up....tough shit to think about............
You got the idea Spit. Play up that mental anguish gig. Replay it over and over again in your mind. Oh the horror, the horror!

- Weird NJ - 05-28-2002

Quote:It's a Mazda Protege.

:burnfucker: HA HA. It's too late! She fell for my fiendish plan! :burnfucker:

Yech! Get the Jeep.