Stupid people & you... - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 06-10-2002

What is the stupidest thing you've seen someone do lately?

I saw a dumbass in a mustang lose control of his car on RT. 18 on Friday. Nothing major, just accelerating from a u-turn and spun the car damn-near all the way around. I just laughed and went around him.

- HedCold - 06-10-2002

[obvious joke]start this thread[/obvious joke]

- Sloatsburgh - 06-10-2002

The dumbest thing I did today was take the gun out of my mouth and got dressed for work.

- Maynard - 06-10-2002

Quote:What is the stupidest thing you've seen someone do lately?
Inkgrrrl posted her picture on here.

- Sephiroth - 06-10-2002

Once saw two people get into a fist fight over a quarter on the ground. I still laugh about it to this day.

- Keyser Soze - 06-10-2002

Dumb chicks waited on the voucher line at Belmont when you need a friggin voucher to bet in that line. They must have waited 20 minutes in that line and missed betting in that race over their stupidity. I hope their horse won and they didnt get a chance to get the bet in.

- LZMF1 - 06-11-2002

galt and ken's pen get annoyed at me for using the rolling smiley face!!!!

- criticslovesnatch - 06-11-2002

at the goldfinger concert last week this guy got on stage and started throwing CDs into the crowd between sets. one landed right next to where me and my friend were standing. two people dove to the ground and started wrestling over the stupid cd, they got into a huge fight that lasted for about half an hour. the whole time, my friend had the cd under her foot. she picked it up as the two other people were arguing, saw that it was a fenix tx cd, and threw it back on stage as the other two people continued to fight.


- Buttmunch - 06-11-2002


Shit, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone.

But, holy shit was this stupid!

- ftard - 06-14-2002

I once saw a barfight start over something as simple as the last pretzel in the bowl. As the people starting their pushing and then swinging, the barmaid put more out, and they kept fighting.

Ahhh, alcohol and its wonderful effects of people.

- Sean Cold - 06-15-2002

The stupidist thing I have seen of late was there was this site owner who really dug this chick so he decided to hook his web cam up and....... Come on, someone was soooooo going to go there!:firebounce:

- Kid Afrika - 06-15-2002

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

- The Sleeper - 06-15-2002

damn, how did I not think of that