The meaning of life - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 06-12-2002

Why are we here? I refuse to believe that we were just some cosmic accident. The universe had to come from something, someone, some entity. I'm agnostic but I feel like there must be some force that drives the universe. We might be a spec on the ass of a mosquito in the grand scheme of things but even still, we must play some small role. What about as a human race? What purpose do we serve? Are we a virus infecting mother Earth? Looked at from a distance, its not such a stretch to think we are.

- Arthur Dent - 06-12-2002

Quote:Bright Side of Life
Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the light side of life.

If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life,

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin.
Give the audience a grin.
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

Always look on the bright side of death,
Just before you draw your terminal breath.

Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.
Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.
You'll see it's all a show.
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life.
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!

- Maynard - 06-12-2002

I guess it all depends on who you ask. I think each person has their own purpose for living. I honestly don't think there's any "meaning to life" so to speak. It's all about your personality, and how you live your life. There are consequences for whatever way you live your life, but that's what makes it interesting.

- McBourbon - 06-12-2002

Yeah.......what you said Keyser.......
Or you could just smoke ANOTHER joint and kill yourself if you're so worried about it while the rest of us wang-chung our way into our 80's and die from our hot, chesty, blonde nurse smothering us by sitting on our face just to give an old man a thrill before he goes (and to try to work her way into our last will and testament).

- HedCold - 06-12-2002

Quote:The Meaning Of Life

On the way
Trying to get where I'd like to say
I'm always feeling steered away
By someone trying to tell me
What to say and do
I don't want it
I gotta go find my own way
I gotta go make my own mistakes
Sorry man for feeling
Feeling the way I do
On yeah, Oh yeah
Open wide and they'll shove in
Their meaning of life
Oh yeah, Oh yeah
But not for me I'll do it on my own
Oh yeah, Oh yeah
Open wide and swallow their meaning of life
I can't make it work your way
Thanks but no thanks
By the way
I know your path has been tried and so
It may seem like the way to go
Me, I'd rather be found
Trying something new
And the bottom line
In all of this seems to say
There's no right and wrong way
Sorry if I don't feel like
Living the way you do

- Maynard - 06-12-2002

Quote:while the rest of us wang-chung our way into our 80's and die from our hot, chesty, blonde nurse smothering us by sitting on our face just to give an old man a thrill before he goes (and to try to work her way into our last will and testament).
You just gave OAS a reason to live.

- IkeaBoy - 06-12-2002

Quote:The Meaning of Life
Why are we here? What's life all about?
Is God really real, or is there some doubt?
Well, tonight, we're going to sort it all out,
For, tonight, it's 'The Meaning of Life'.

What's the point of all this hoax?
Is it the chicken and the egg time? Are we just yolks?
Or, perhaps, we're just one of God's little jokes.
Well, ça c'est le 'Meaning of Life'.

Is life just a game where we make up the rules
While we're searching for something to say,
Or are we just simply spiralling coils
Of self-replicating DNA. Nay, nay, nay, nay, nay, nay.

In this 'life', what is our fate?
Is there Heaven and hell? Do we reincarnate?
Is mankind evolving, or is it too late?
Well, tonight, here's 'The Meaning of Life'.

For millions, this 'life' is a sad vale of tears,
Sitting 'round with rien nothing to say
While the scientists say we're just simply spiralling coils
Of self-replicating DNA. Nay, nay, nay, nay, nay, nay.

So, just why-- why are we here,
And just what-- what-- what-- what do we fear?
Well, ce soir, for a change, it will all be made clear,
For this is 'The Meaning of Life'. C'est le sens de la vie.
This is 'The Meaning of Life'.

- Keyser Soze - 06-12-2002

trust me, i live my life with little regard to what its higher meaning is. i figure i will get there along the way. the journey is truly the destination.

- Spitfire - 06-12-2002

Quote:The meaning of life


There was nothing before you were born, and you'll know nothing after you die...your energy is what remains...maybe it will become part of your loved ones when you're gone....

I don't understand why we have to have a is meaningless, you are here to keep the species just have fun cause you never know how much time we have left...

but I'm trying to gain more spiritual knowledge, and it seems like the ancient philosophers were on to something...

The book I'm reading is right up your alley, Keyser. Read some books on the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, you might gain some insight. I've been reading A Garden of Pomegranates by Israel's a great introduction into the Quabalah (not in religious terms), whose primary symbol is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is made up of symbols which have been used since ancient times to study the nature of the universe, the essence of God(?) and the attributes of the human mind.

- McBourbon - 06-12-2002

Quote:C'est le sens de la vie.

I hate hillbilly Spanish.

Edited By McBourbon on June 12 2002 at 12:03

- Ken'sPen - 06-12-2002

It would seem to be a cosmic joke,
If creatures could be made self aware.
all for naught.
I have never been able to believe in a god that cares.....
yet it would seem cruel,
for us to have 80 years on this earth, to hope, love, hate, suffer,
and just have it end when our time is done.

- Keyser Soze - 06-12-2002

how could something just appear spontaneously out of nothing.

even energy needs a genesis. energy from nothing is an amazing thought.

something beyond our realm of perception is certainly out there.

- Spitfire - 06-12-2002

That's why the first Sephirothal symbol (for the sum total of the universe whose origin is infinite space) is Ain, 0, that which cannot be known. It is a No-Thing, not nothing. "That which is incomprehensible, unknown and unknowable does not exist, insofar as our consciousness is concerned" If something is unknowable, unthinkable, and unspeakable, there are no words for our intellect to grasp it.
Does that make any sense?

- IkeaBoy - 06-12-2002

I think about this often and sort of change my view.

I have no doubt that we are, in the grand scheme of things, nothings. The only hope we have is to do something on earth which itself is an unremarkable orb in an expanding universe of other unremarkable orb.

So that concerns us with earth. Often I think that we are nothings, life has no meaning and things like that. Occasionally though I think that maybe we DO have a purpose, a point. Not everyone, never anyone, but the rare few who are "destined" (I'm not sure if that's the right word) to make a difference, make change for the good or bad. But again as I said even doing something on earth doesn't make it important.

As for us being a cosmic joke that follows along with my God theory that God exists and his point is to just laugh at our uselessness and utter stupdities. He doesn't help us, he doesn't aid us, he doesn't love us. He looks at us with sadistic ecstasy and occasionally rapes a virgin because, well, he can.

- Spitfire - 06-12-2002

I don't understand why people place such humanistic traits on "God"...

if it was like us, it would have died of boredom by now, listening to all the sad-sap, selfish prayers for useless shit--- from people who think it has nothing better to do than help them, for example to win a stupid reality tv show making them the next American Idol or some shit ....

- IkeaBoy - 06-12-2002

Quote:I don't understand why people place such humanistic traits on "God"...
because man created 'God'.

- Maynard - 06-12-2002

I think it's funny that athletes and actors thank God. WTF?? Do you really think God helped you hit that home run? NO DUMB ASS! The countless hours of practice and working out in the gym hit that home run. And Musicians?? How could you thank God for winning an award? That's just plain stupid.

- Spitfire - 06-12-2002

exactly, guys

- Maynard - 06-12-2002

Hey Ikea, I like that explanation.

- Sloatsburgh - 06-12-2002

You are here to procreate. Produce more and more humans until the great harvest. That is why we are here. We have to do something about the retarded ones. Sometimes you have to weed the garden....