What up scablickers - My welcome back - Printable Version

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- ftard - 06-12-2002

Allright fuckfaces, I got a new job and I am back. I figured this new home was full of pussies that needed a good banging and I wanted to personally suck each mule here, but I guess I can leave that task to the other pole smoking hairy ass lovers around here. Frumpy told me that this place kinda smelled like the old home, but I dont smell enough chum and feces. So What up??

- Maynard - 06-12-2002

6 doors down on the right for the chum and feces.

- Grumpy - 06-12-2002

oh look what the cat dragged in and the dog ass fucked.....if it isn't the king of all f-tards. What happen there slappy? the federales finally get you for sexual misconduct with farm animals and senior citizens? is that where ya been? in jail with bubba the love sponge givin him handies and oral treats so the other inmates of oz wouldn't ass fuck you with the bed posts?

welcome back tool! and congrats on the job.

- Sloatsburgh - 06-12-2002

:fights the impulse to reply:

- Spitfire - 06-12-2002

Who are you again?

- McBourbon - 06-12-2002

:poke: Is it really you?

It doesn't have the same gelatenous ooziness that the old one had, guys. And it doesn't smell anymore either. Well, not as bad anyway.

- Metalfan - 06-12-2002

Who widened the fucking doorway so he could fit that parade float head of his in here??? Someone's gonna pay for that!!!!

Make sure the chum pool is in good order before you leave here today!!

Welcome to hell

- ftard - 06-12-2002

So glad to see that the IQ of the internet is still as low as ever with all you tards still hanging around. I just wonder if Arpi still loves to chug the man meat, cause I got a hankering to blow a load, and I think that Snuka is still busy sucking the puss out of ladi's swolen meat curtains.

Frump said this amazing shit:
in jail with bubba the love sponge givin him handies and oral treats so the other inmates of oz wouldn't ass fuck you with the bed posts

Come on, you know I enjoy the "4 poster", and I aint talkin about wrestling movies either. And besides, if I can get a carton of cigs for a few tug and chugs, i feel I come out on top, after I wash up of course.

- Sephiroth - 06-12-2002

<center><span style='font-size:57pt;line-height:100%'>IT'S A TRAP!!</span></center>

- Grumpy - 06-12-2002

nope - not a trap seph. Ftard is the original King Ftard that we all know and abuse sexually with household appliances. He just got back from his hiatus in Sing Sing. The least you could do is let him lick the ooze from your balloon not as a nice welcome back gesture.

- Keyser Soze - 06-12-2002

I have no idea who you are.

- DGW - 06-12-2002

What up Tard? yeah i remember..there was a cloud of smoke but yeah, I have some recollection.:fuggin:

- ftard - 06-12-2002

Nothin wrong with a cloud of smoke.

And Seph, dont feel bad just cause your dog was walking strangely for a few days. I had to stretch it out a bit, to make it fit.

- OAS - 06-12-2002

Hey fuckface, how ya been?

- crx girl - 06-13-2002

[Image: wavey.gif]

have we met?

- Grumpy - 06-13-2002

crx - meet ftard. the new resident pole smoker
Ftard - meet crx. the old resident pole smoker.

There, you've met.

- Metalfan - 06-13-2002

Why the fucking formalities.....crx....ftard is the guy with a head that blocks the sun...nuff said

- Grumpy - 06-13-2002

I thought that was Spit's ass? Oh Great! Between spit's ass and tards oversized cranium, crx will never get a tan and have pasty tits for the rest of her life.

- Spitfire - 06-13-2002


psst---Grump, you gotta get a new line :-p

- Metalfan - 06-13-2002

Well...they block the sun at different angles...even though Spit is 11' tall....I still think only one of the offensive items smells like shit.....unless Ftard changed the special gel he uses in his hair....then its two large offensive objects that smell like shit.