To celebrate the 4th weekend.... - Printable Version

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- Ken'sPen - 07-05-2002

should we hunt down crx and beat her?

- crx girl - 07-06-2002


- Hybrid - 07-06-2002

me too

- Luna - 07-06-2002 hunt down CRX and beat her......she is an American woman now, too. :disappointed:

- fbd - 07-06-2002

i thought she was still a brit citizen, luna

- Luna - 07-06-2002

Oh.....well, what do I know? :crackhead:

- crx girl - 07-06-2002

yeah, i'm not an american citizen yet

- The Sleeper - 07-06-2002

damn, I was enjoying the fact that this thread had no replies

- crx girl - 07-06-2002


i did think about not responding, but then i forgot:toast:

- Kid Afrika - 07-06-2002

f00kin' pothead!!! :-o :rofl: :-o

- Ken'sPen - 07-06-2002

I think the fact crx agreed to this, further illustrates she is startinging to share her friends rape fantasies......

while we bind and beat her....
I think odds are high,
that the british are cumming the british are cumming......

(here ends my "I can't find any thread I really want to reply in so I wrote this" contribution of the morning)

- Doc - 07-06-2002

Quote:she is an American woman now, too
I hate Lenny Kravitz

- Luna - 07-06-2002

Actually, Doc, I was more referring to Eddie Murphy with that one. :lol:

- Doc - 07-06-2002

Well if it makes you feel any better, I hated that too :thumbs-up: