Bud Selig.... - Douche bag - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 07-10-2002

I don't give a flying fuck about the pitchers and high pitch counts, don't end the fuckin all star game in a fuckin tie! What a fuckin scumbag! Brently is a fuckin pussy for suggesting it, Torre is a fag for agreeing to it but Selig could have let the game go on. This game is meant for the fuckin fans, damn it!

- criticslovesnatch - 07-10-2002

oh yeah, and that MVP trophy, the one they named after Ted Williams in such a nice gesture? not gonna be given out. Thank you king bud, you douche bag.:fuckoff:

so lets just forget the game ever happened, huh?

- Sean Cold - 07-10-2002

This just fuckin blows a big, sweaty donkey dick. A seven seven tie.

It's a tie?

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>There is no tying in BASEBALL!</span>

Yeah, lets name the all star game MVP after Teddy Baseball then lets just not give it out. Unfuckinbelievable. Great, the curse of the Bambino just fucked up the all star game.

- Austin - 07-10-2002

That was disgraceful... How the fuck do you end a game that is SUPPOSEDLY meant for the fans to end like that? Nice Work Ya friggin morons.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-10-2002

If they cared about the fans at could fill that in so many hasn't been for the fans in ages....

- criticslovesnatch - 07-10-2002

see now this is whats gonna happen. they are gonna expand rosters, and this is never gonna happen again and then everyone will bitch about their players not getting time in the game because there are too many players. trust me, it'll happen.

- The Sleeper - 07-10-2002

Expanding rosters would be an awful idea. It would just water everything down and the honor of being an all-star would be lost. I find this whole thing rather amusing.

- DGW - 07-10-2002

I don't care about the All Star Game
The voting for it is bullshit
Manny Ramirez shouldn't be a starter
Even though T Shinjo didn't make the All Star teamn he did come in 4th place in the NL for OF's, due to the online voting from Japan.
I luv Torre but how can you take 5 SS's?
No sir, I don't like it.

I think MLB may need a new PR dept.

- Galt - 07-10-2002

Everyone is insane. I can't imagine why there is anyone complaining about this. Of course they should have stopped the game. There were no pitchers left, and you can't just throw a pitcher in indefinately assuming he'll be fine. Pedro's never been the same since he blew his arm out in the All Star game in '99

- Keyser Soze - 07-10-2002

I blame this on poor managing. If Torre and Brenley wouldn't have been trying so hard to get every player in the game and played it like a regular baseball game then he might have had more arms available at the end of the game. Torre had like 3 pitchers pitch less than an inning!

Expand the pitching rosters slightly, I think thats the best way to avoid this without watering down the talent

- Galt - 07-10-2002

the solution is: nothing. Just play the fucking game, and if they run out of innings, so be it. If they expand the rosters, that will just mean that they'll try and put all of them in the game too, which is already dumb. They're not goign to play this like a real game because it's not. They shouldn't treat it that way. They shouldn't make world-series homefield advantage based on the game, or anything. It's useless. It's an exhibition.

- Keyser Soze - 07-10-2002

I disagree. This just shows the current sad state of baseball.

Overpaid pussies who are afraid of breaking a nail waiting for their next paycheck.

I don't mind that they make a ridiculous amount of money but could they at least ACT like it? So what if they have to exert themselves a little in an exhibition game.

For once can baseball do something for the FANS that make them the millionaires they are?

Hopefully after this strike the fans will stay away long enough for it to become economically unfeasable for the owners to continue to pay these ridiculous contracts.

- Galt - 07-10-2002

In short: fuck the fans.

The fans don't "make" dick. They are empty shells of people who derive job by watching someone else work. They are useless.

Baseball players deserve every cent they make because fans will pay whatever the cost to sit on their asses, get drunk and watch other people have fun.

- Keyser Soze - 07-10-2002

Remove the fans and Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa are selling used cars down at Reggie Jackson Chevrolet.

- Hybrid - 07-10-2002

remove the fans and sosa is on a raft trying to sneak into florida.

- Galt - 07-10-2002

that's just it, the fans won't remove themselves. They keep bitching about how they make baseball, and how they are the ones who are important and how baseball players are overpaid.

Players aren't overpaid because people are willing to spend $50 a ticket. The money is there to be made, so they should make it.

Even after during the strike in '94, people whined for a few months but people just can't stay away. As much as they cunt about it, in reality "the fans" really don't give a shit.<font color=white>

Edited By Galt on July 10 2002 at 10:44

- Keyser Soze - 07-10-2002

its true, the fans are too disorganized and unwilling to make a concerted effort to make baseball pay for its sins.

- Gooch - 07-10-2002

i hope baseball dies out. It's what they deserve for putting an owner, and a moronic one at that, in control of the league as the commisioner. What a fuckin embarassment that is.

- Keyser Soze - 07-10-2002

well technically, selig is not an owner. in order to become commisioner he had to sell his interest in the Brewers to HIS FUCKING DAUGHTER. oh suuuuuure, thats kosher.

the Astros removing the name Enron from their field is like putting a silk hat on a pig.

in a time of corporate scandal, the biggest scam in corporate america, baseball, needs to face the music.

- Galt - 07-10-2002

I'm still baffled how anyone could be upset with MLB that they decided to stop the game instead of risking serious injury to players totally unprepared to pitch for more than an inning or two at most (since most of them were pitching on a couple days rest or will be doing so in a couple days).

The only goal of the game - which has been the goal for many years - is to get all the players in the game within 9 innings.