I love my new status!!! - Woooooooo-hooooooooo!!!! - Printable Version

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- FNMoron - 07-30-2002

I just wanted to thank the person who gave me a new status... while my last one was quite amusing (well, to me it was) I must say that this new label is truly a gift... thank you again. :-D

- Luna - 07-30-2002

I like mine, too. :loveya:

- fbd - 07-30-2002

mine is soooooooooooooooooooo last week

- LZMF1 - 07-30-2002

mine rocks!!! :headbang:

- Danked - 07-30-2002

Mine makes me sad. :-(

But I like it.

- criticslovesnatch - 07-30-2002

I <3 my status.

- FNMoron - 07-30-2002

gee, you know what would be really cool... let's have a vote to see who has the best status... we can have catagories & everything.... c'mon, it'll be fun:bouncer:

- HedCold - 07-30-2002

mine is so three months ago

- Sloatsburgh - 07-30-2002

Mine is gay. But I'm not, so equilibrium is achieved.

- kindred - 07-30-2002

Mine resembles me........:bouncer:

- LZMF1 - 07-30-2002

Quote:Mine resembles me........:bouncer:
take off, eh!

- onehung - 07-31-2002

My status has a virus in it.

- HedCold - 07-31-2002

Quote:Hybrid Wannabe
my status is so two months ago.

- DGW - 07-31-2002

Can I ask for a status change here????
that ole gag:lol:

:fuckoff: Sleeper

- Zootybang - 07-31-2002

Pffft! Look at mine. Go ahead, I'll wait...........need I say more? I didn't think so.

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

some statuses are soooo perfect you dare no touch them.

- Sweet Angel - 07-31-2002

Do I even have a status? Oh yeah...just the generic one.

Edited By Sweet Angel on July 30 2002 at 9:31

- Is Don on the phone? - 07-31-2002

Sweet Angel

Drunken Fuck

Group: Members
Posts: 172
Joined: Mar. 2002
Quote:Do I even have a status?

Yes, and it does seem accurate....

- Sweet Angel - 07-31-2002

Hmmm, seems I should have kept my thoughts to myself.

:lookatme: HI KEN!

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

not me sweets,
but hi none the less.