The end of a phase - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 07-31-2002

To all my friends.

I just got finished with a 2 year process that brings to a close a phase of my life that I’d hoped I would never have to end. It’s also something that I don’t wish any of you would ever have to go through. At around 11:00 today my divorce was finalized.

I joined approximately 2 years ago. Right around the time of my separation. Joining that board helped me get through some rough times, and took my mind off things while they were happening. It probably saved me from severe depression. I’ve made some of my best friends from there, and know that they will be lifelong. Sure, I had my ups and downs over there, as everyone has. And it came to a point where Froy and I were butting heads, and I just wasn’t having fun there. So Sean decided to create cdih. A home for all those who felt the same was as myself. Through this board, I have gained stronger relationships with others that I would have never suspected. Everyone on this board has touched a part of my life, and I am grateful for every minute of the time you’ve given me. The good and bad.

Walking into that courtroom today brought back intense feelings for my (ex)-wife. Some good, some bad, but still a little more overwhelming none the less. Sitting there, my mind began to wander while waiting for our case to be heard, and I began thinking about this place a bit. It helped calm me down. After leaving the courtroom, I had this sense of freedom. Freedom from not only my marriage, but the other stresses that went along with it, and there was a huge weight lifted from my shoulders.

I thank you all for the time you’ve given me.

Kate, Joe, Sean, Eddie, Rodney, Kelly, Laura, Kelly, Megan, and Morgan. I give a special thanks to all of you for giving to me the friendships that we have and for helping with the tougher times. There are many more of you that will probably never know the ways you touched my life in some part. And I thank ALL of you for that as well.

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

this is soooo

- Danked - 07-31-2002

You're welcome!

My name's Damian.

- Jack - 07-31-2002

That was very nice. I respect that you wanted to thank your friends. Its good to have you around. Contrary to popular belief, I think you liven this place up and it just wouldn't be the same without you.

- Kid Afrika - 07-31-2002

Do you think I care about your life?

btw, thanks for volunteering the ammo with which I will torment you for years to come...

- OAS - 07-31-2002

Congrats John. The future is all yours now. Way to go!

And FU Ken. You whine about others poking fun at things that are sensitive to you and then you jump in on the first post and try to be funny. And you wonder why some people think you're an ass?

Don't bother turnining this into a bitch session. Just take the thought and ponder it for awhile.

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

right kid, cause this is just a message board.

Don't be an ass, personal shit should be left at the door.

- Gooch - 07-31-2002

Whether it is here or, or anywhere else, what you were doing in interacting with people. And, that interaction will always have value, especially when things in other areas may not being going well, quiet, etc. I have to say, that in my last 2 years, that this interaction has been fundemental to my own growth and equalibrium, and I think alot of other people can say the same. Not many admit it as honestly and as succint as you have just done, except for perhaps, Gonzostyle.

- FNMoron - 07-31-2002

Quote:Kate, Joe, Sean, Eddie, Rodney, Kelly, Laura, Kelly, Megan, and Morgan.
AM's real name is Laura? :rofl:

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

OAS you senile piece of trash,
I mocked the thread, not the content ass.

- Kid Afrika - 07-31-2002

Quote:Don't be an ass, personal shit should be left at the door.
Or at least, make it a bit ambiguous. There is no need to bear your heart here for all to see. Write a fucking e-mail.

oh and mayfag, don't ever, EVER!!! try to pull that "it's just a message board", "I was only joking" schtick again. By this vomit-inducing display of sadness, you have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you value message board interaction waaaaaaaaaaay too fuckin' much.

- Luna - 07-31-2002

Quote:That was very nice. I respect that you wanted to thank your friends. Its good to have you around. Contrary to popular belief, I think you liven this place up and it just wouldn't be the same without you.
I agree with Jack. I would miss you very much.
I hope you will not just walk away.

- FNMoron - 07-31-2002

Quote:Contrary to popular belief, I think you liven this place up and it just wouldn't be the same without you.
wait a second.... did i miss something???
is this Maymay's goodbye thread????
I thought he was just getting all Oprah on us...:disappointed:

- SLASH - 07-31-2002

Quote:There are many more of you that will probably never know the ways you touched my life in some part.

If I have touched your heart in some way, please let me know. You don't have to do it here, and if you tell me in a Private Message, it will stay Private.


- Gooch - 07-31-2002

Quote:Or at least, make it a bit ambiguous. There is no need to bear your heart here for all to see. Write a fucking e-mail.

oh and mayfag, don't ever, EVER!!! try to pull that "it's just a message board", "I was only joking" schtick again. By this vomit-inducing display of sadness, you have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you value message board interaction waaaaaaaaaaay too fuckin' much.

Da'Nile isn't just a river in Egypt anymore. :moonie:

- Kid Afrika - 07-31-2002

Quote:I thought he was just getting all Oprah on us
Dr. Phil is NOT a member of this message board!

- Gooch - 07-31-2002

Maybe Maymay's just a member of Oprah's book club?

- Spitfire - 07-31-2002


I'm really glad it's finally over for you...that's an incredible ordeal to have to go through...

time to move on to bigger and better things :-D

- Maynard - 07-31-2002

I'm not going anywhere. I was just being a bit Oprah.

I apolagize for not writing down every persons name on here, but please don't think that I forgot about you. 175 names is just alot to list in one thread.

- Gooch - 07-31-2002

Quote:time to move on to bigger and better things

is Arpi really that much bigger or better? ;-)