Famous people you've met...... - Printable Version

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- Ken'sPen - 08-13-2002

I am sure we have all met our share of famous people in a variety of circumstances, both formal and informal. Whether it is a quick handshake or a conversation.

Some go really well, other encounters can radically change your opinion of the person forever.....
has anyone had such an experience.

The most memorable for me were sports stars.....
I stayed in the same hotel with the NY Yankees when I was a kid, I was in the pool when the whole team came down for a swim. Reggie Jackson was a real jackass and I never rooted for him quite so hard again.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

I met David Wells outside Yankee Stadium the year he got traded to the Jays. He was the NICEST....made me like him even more, stupidly I didn't bring a camera because I didn't think he'd actually stop and talk.

I also met Cinjun from Remy Zero who was also nice as Hell....talked to me and my friend Amanda for a while after the show and seemed genuinely happy that we not only came but really liked the show.

I've met Rudolph Giuliani as well, and worked with him for a bit a few years ago, and always thought he was great.

- Corpsegrinder13 - 08-13-2002

I know this one chick that met Ed Oneill....some others here do also...

- HedCold - 08-13-2002

yogi berra - at ain airport a few weeks ago, i got him to sign a piece of paper. i would of stayed and talked to him but he didn't look like he wanted to, so i just shook his hand and stuff.
jacoby dick - papa roach lead singer. he was actually really cool and he loves to talk. i don't hate papa roach anymore, just dislike thier songs
cold - i met the whole band twice. they were really cool and i liked them more
slipknot - at a cd signing, didn't really chat with them. they seemed nice though
home town hero - another band who were nice. they aren't exactly stars yet, but oh well
jimmy urine from msi - shook his hand. they're a band that always stays after their show to talk, but not exactly stars yet either
rudy guiliani - i met him once too, shook his hand and stuff.

thats all i could think of

edit - i also met people from bands like dry kill logic and darwins waiting room. they were all cool

Edited By HedCold on Aug. 13 2002 at 4:20

- Hey Ladi - 08-13-2002

Who names their kid Rudolph? :crackhead:

I don't think I've met anyone. :disappointed:

- Jack - 08-13-2002

I met the DJ from Limp Bizkit (Dj Skribble?) when he was in town for the Family Values tour. I helped him to return an ibook that he had bought at another CompUSA. He was really cool and I didn't know who he was until I asked him his name and address and he gave me one in Hollywood California. He asked me if I wanted some tickets to the show that night and he gave me three front row tickets right down in the mosh pit. I had a lot of fun that night because it was the first show that featured Korn as well.

- SLASH - 08-13-2002

I can't wait till 10bats tells us all about all of the famous people he has met outside of the

Toys '<table style=filter:flipH>R</table>' Us

in Eatontown.

Edited By SLASH on Aug. 13 2002 at 4:24

- Maynard - 08-13-2002

I've met a bunch of people. I don't remember most. I don't think I've ever been starstruck before.

Usually if I meet someone "famous", I like to make an off handed remark to them while tons of other people are rushing them. "Nice hair (their name)" always makes them freak.

- kindred - 08-13-2002

The guy who played Frankie on Days of Our Lives...kissed me on my cheek on my 18th birthday.
Colin Quinn when I got to go up to the o&a studio a couple weeks ago.
I saw David Spade in the Burbank airport...and he's a little, little man.

- Arpikarhu - 08-13-2002

during the first few months of rent every star you can think of was there. met most of them. i found that the a-list ones were really cool and comfortable with themselves. the b-lists ones acted like prima donnas and were very uptight. the only time i got excited was when Prince came and Paul o'neill.

- Ken'sPen - 08-13-2002

I agree maynard,
Aside from dropping to my knees and sucking Joey Fatone's dick I have generally been pretty laid back..........

Except when I met John Riggins childhood Icon,
I think I looked like a 5 year old going to sit with Santa.

- OAS - 08-13-2002

If you ever get to meet Bill Clinton, you will never speak poorly of the man again.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

I also met Spliff-Star (Busta Rhymes' dude) or something like that and Stephon Marbury because they would both constantly go to the theater I worked at and make me let them in for free.

- Gooch - 08-13-2002

i've met quite a few since i work in CNN building...from Martha Stewart to Vladamir Putin. Some that come to mind:

Larry King: fuckin gaukish scarecrow of a a skeleton with glasses...and he was smoking a cigarette on the front steps. prick.

Jesse Jackson: Say what you want about the man...if you ever met him, he rules the room and has incredible presence. He walked up to everyone in the building lobby and shook their hand.

Vince McMahon: Not as big as you think, though his steroid-induced physique is hidden within a suit. Has presence, but also has a sly quality to him. Like it's all for show.

Dick Cavitt: Little midget cocksucker cut me on the hotdog line at MSG. I hope he gets AIDS and dies. Obviosuly, I was hungry.

Quentin Tarantino: Met him at a bar called Fiddlesticks in village. Was friendly, and when asked which was better: Star Wars or Jaws...he gave a whole discussion on it. His answer: "No fuckin question...JAWS!".

Joan Rivers: old crone. Nice actually, though.

Martha Stewart: actually maybe as old as Joan. Otherwise, nothing special.

Edited By Gooch on Aug. 13 2002 at 4:28

- Brokenjaw - 08-13-2002

I still can't believe I met THE Sean Cold

- Ken'sPen - 08-13-2002

I ran into Richard Simmons twice in a matter of weeks,
The first time he sang show tunes to me from across the street.

- Maynard - 08-13-2002

Quote:I ran into Richard Simmons twice in a matter of weeks,
The first time he sang show tunes to me from across the street.
What are you, some kind of limp wristed faggot??

- Ken'sPen - 08-13-2002

May, you don't even try for wit any more do you?

- Maynard - 08-13-2002

No, I've been trying a new technique. It seems to be working for you.

- Gooch - 08-13-2002

wit jumped the shark back in 2000