It's dry - It's wet - Printable Version

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- DGW - 08-16-2002

Okay…Floods in Bangladesh and Nepal forcing millions to leave their home, and killing 900. Surging flood waters through out Europe leaving thousands homeless. The US experiencing it’s worst drought in almost a century with this past July seeing avg. temp raised 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit higher than normal. 48% of the US being in a state of “moderate to severe” drought conditions.

So my question is … it just a cycle or do you think we as humans are destroying our planet and eventually ourselves?????

- Arthur Dent - 08-16-2002

Did you see the CNN article about how all of Asia is covered by a 3 mile thick cloud of pollution that is lowering the amount of sunlight reaching the ground and thereby effecting the environment and the eco-system?

- Sloatsburgh - 08-16-2002

cycle. Volcanos in one cough put more polution in the atmosphere than the entire lifetime of human existance. Some people overvalue the importance of themselves in the cosmic scale of life.

- Hey Ladi - 08-16-2002

yes. I like the part in the Matrix where the Smith describes humans as a parasite, moving into any available space & destroying it.

- OAS - 08-16-2002

It's a cycle. We haven't been keeping weather data long enough to see that it is cyclical. I'm not saying we aren't screwing up the planet in many ways, but this weather pattern shift is Mother Nature. The glaciers didn't melt because some neanderthal was using pit spray every day.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-16-2002

That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -
world serves its own needs, regardless of your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign tower. Slash and burn,
return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burning,
blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle,
light a motive. Step down, step down. Watch a heel crush, crush. Uh oh,
this means no fear - cavalier. Renegade and steer clear! A tournament,
a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
and I decline.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.
Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,
slam, but neck, right? Right.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine...fine...

(It's time I had some time alone)

- Hey Ladi - 08-16-2002

Quote:The glaciers didn't melt because some neanderthal was using pit spray every day.
there were quite a few less of them, there were no industrial plants, no atom bombs, no cars, no strip mining & logging, toxic waste dumping ... Undecided

- Ken'sPen - 08-16-2002

Quote:Volcanos in one cough put more polution in the atmosphere than the entire lifetime of human existance.
I love quotes like that.....where is the support,
and considering the indutrial age has only been going on for a couple centuries at best......

We are fucking the planet up big time....

We are killing the ocean...(coral is dying at an alarming rate)
countries are being deforested
the ozone layer is being depleted.
We are killing lakes and rivers and streams with pollution.

and people sit and whistle a tune and say it is just a cycle.


- DGW - 08-16-2002

Hey Polly...Music is one door down :-D

Dent, I did see that. People dying of respitory problems from the cloud. The cloud keeps the sun out causing the atmosphere to heat up and the land mass to cool.

I also saw on CNN that the amount phytoplankton in the sea is 20% lower then it was 30 years ago.

We're doing so well at fucking this place up.
I for one think it is our actions causing these problems.

Why don't we dump another 200 subway cars into the Ocean of the coast of NY....That makes much more sense then scraping them and recycling.

Edited By DGW on Aug. 16 2002 at 9:56

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-16-2002

Honestly, anyone who is really interested in this should read "The Spirit in the Gene," its all basically about how we're killing the planet and how we're going to run out of food based on some was VERY interesting...and scary....

- Arthur Dent - 08-16-2002

It's both. Nature does go through cycles. Like the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression.

But, we are also making it worse. Sure, volcanos through a ton of crap into the atmosphere, but most of it filters out naturally in a short time.

And the volcanic ash, sulfer, and other basic chemicals expelled can't compare to the complex hydrocarbons and other chemicals expelled by factories.

- Ken'sPen - 08-16-2002

The dust bowl was aggrevated by man.....
improper farming techniques etc. left the soil strained....

- Spitfire - 08-16-2002

How about's sad that people can't go outside in many major cities...

Quote:WASHINGTON - August 14 - All too familiar with that burning sensation in their eyes and throat brought on by the smog in the air, Washington, DC area residents are suffering through the 33rd unhealthy air day of 2002 today, and for the fifth day in a row, air pollution levels have exceeded the federal health standard.

This morning, children, the elderly, people with asthma or heart disease, and even healthy adults heard a now-familiar warning to limit outdoor activity. This warning came as the U.S. EPA took another step toward weakening clean air rules to allow power plants, refineries and other major industrial sources of pollution to escape requirements to install modern pollution controls.

Or this:
Quote:Published on Friday, August 16, 2002 in the Times of London
Oil Lobby Dismisses Earth Summit
by Anthony Browne

CONSERVATIVE lobbyists in the US funded by Esso have urged President Bush to derail the Earth summit in Johannesburg because it is “anti-freedom, anti-people, anti-globalization and anti-Western”.

The lobbyists, funded by the oil company that was also a big donor to the President’s election campaign, urged Mr Bush to make sure that global warming was kept off the agenda at the summit, which starts later this month.

In a letter leaked to Friends of Earth in the US, the lobbyists tell Mr Bush: “We applaud your decision not to attend in person . . . the summit will provide a global media stage for many of the most irresponsible and destructive elements in critical economic and environmental issues. Your presence would only help publicize various anti-freedom, anti-people, anti-globalization and anti-Western agendas,” it said.

Among others, the letter was signed by representatives of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, the American Enterprise Institute, and the National Center for Policy Analysis, all of which received funding from ExxonMobil, Esso’s parent company. The letter, dated August 2, adds: “The least important global environmental issue is potential global warming and we hope that your negotiators can keep it off the table and out of the spotlight.”

The World Summit on Sustainable Development will be attended by 100 world leaders. However, the US Government has already made clear that it will not sign any internationally binding agreements.

Copyright 2002 Times Newspapers Ltd

Edited By Spitfire on Aug. 16 2002 at 10:07

- Whip - 08-16-2002

Quote:Floods in Bangladesh and Nepal forcing millions to leave their home, and killing 900. Surging flood waters through out Europe leaving thousands homeless

i believe that is gods way of thinning out the human race, dont worry bout it....maybe soon he let a couple of earthquakes and volcanos to erupt so we can get rid of the brittish and the chinks... :fuggin:

- OAS - 08-16-2002

The volcano reference is accurate. When there is a major volcanic eruption, it takes at least 3 years for the ashen pollution to dissipate from the atmosphere. Every major volcanic eruption in history can be linked to subsequent crop failures, larger than average winter death tolls and contamination of water supplies.

Long term shifts in weather patterns reek more havoc on the planet than anything man has done to it. Nobody is suggesting that the human race shouldn't change it's ways but they are a small impact to the planet. Other than a nuclear war, man will not destroy the planet. Dinosaurs were not wiped out by the industrial revolution, deforestation or auto pollution. As I said earlier, the glaciers melted with no help from mankind. The dust bowl was not caused by man, but has subsequently been prevented from happening again by man. Dinosaurs all but eliminated most vegetation where they roamed, far more devastating than all of the timber ever cut by man. But man replants his timber.

We find ways to adapt on this planet. The amount of pollution we spew into the atmosphere is nowhere near the levels it used to be. Living proof is the London fog. The famed fog was caused by the burning of coal stoves. The pollution spewing into the air at the turn of the 20th century was many time worse than today.

One major asteroid hit on the planet will wipe out civilization faster than man could ever find a way (other than all out nuclear war) do destroy it.

Now go hug a tree, say goodbye to it and cut it down so we can make something useful out of it before lightning or a forest fire burns it down and pollutes the air..

- Ken'sPen - 08-16-2002

Quote:Dinosaurs all but eliminated most vegetation where they roamed, far more devastating than all of the timber ever cut by man. But man replants his timber.
What is your proof of this????
and I will repress my desire to make an eye witness remark.

- Luna - 08-16-2002

If you do not think human overpopulation has had an impact on the enviornment, think again.

Interesting article

- Arthur Dent - 08-16-2002

No, we won't literally kill the planet. But, like Spit's news article, we are making the quality of life for us worse. And arguments that minimize the effects of pollution are what is allowing the Republicans to weaken the anti-pollution laws across the board.

I don't mind the lumber industry, but I still want some preserved, primordial forests to visit, where the industry wants to cut them all down because the really old trees are bigger than anything they've planted and are worth more because of it. I still want some rain forests preserved.

- Whip - 08-16-2002

thus refer to my previous statement :thumbs-up:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-16-2002

It's funny how all of us are acting concerned, but most if not all of us are going to go home and continue the polluting of the planet (myself included).