August - The month of the empty office - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 08-16-2002

Traffic was pretty light on the way in today. Our parking lot looks like a ghost town... It seems like a lot of people take their vacations this time of year. In other countries, they have like a national holiday for a few weeks during the summer. Our headquarters in Japan is closed this week for holiday. Why in the Hell do we have to work year round? Where's our week to close down operations and have some time off?

Also, the board seems kind of dead today and either nobody is around on AIM, or everyone has me blocked today.

Where is everyone?

- OAS - 08-16-2002

I'm on vacation from next Thursday through September 4th! :bouncer:
There's a muskie in Lyman Lake with my name on it.

- DGW - 08-16-2002

parking lot is empty here too
i myself usually take vaca in August
but not this year due to job

- Hey Ladi - 08-16-2002

I'm taking off at Christmas. But is hard watching everyone else have off in the sun.

- crx girl - 08-16-2002

august - the month of no customers = the month of little money, and since the weather was so fucked up last month, there was no money there either...i'm expecting a revolt soon :crackhead:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-16-2002

My office is empty as Hell too, so was my bus this morning. I've done so little work today I deserve to be fired. I'm taking my vacation as soon as where I want to go is available. :bouncer:

- Sloatsburgh - 08-16-2002

August I'm busy as all Hell. My biggest client, the firm I work for, fiscal year ends on May. Two - Three months later, they want cost and contribution information. It does not help that they still have not made a decision on how they are going to spin off a portion of the firm, which "took place" on June 2.

- Spitfire - 08-16-2002

When I first started my job, I was promised some Fridays off in the's been 2 years (today :-( ) and I haven'y seen one of them.

My boss doesn't realize that not everyone enjoys sitting in front of the computer instead of at the beach like she does. Her favorite saying (said at last twice EVERY day) "There aren't enough hours in the day" :crackhead: I always add, there isn't enough time on the weekends...

- kindred - 08-16-2002


Office is empty today over here.... But, we don't have a state budget so no one has any money to do anything.... No money, no work...

So, here I sit...bored out of my mind...

- IrishAlkey - 08-16-2002

I don't go to an office.

- Tequila - 08-16-2002

Quote:or everyone has me blocked today
I don't have you blocked, but I bet you just don't want to talk to me anyway

- GonzoStyle - 08-16-2002

There aren't even a 1/4 of the people usually on, signed onto my buddy list. It's summer coming to a close, it's always been like this. I am surprised we did this well over the summer, we averaged a 1,000 posts a day over the summer. That includes slow weekends that hit 200 posts a day.