Lets help Gonzo come up with a new AIM name - Dude, its about time - Printable Version

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- Sean Cold - 08-18-2002

He has been running that same lame ass AIM name for some time now. I guess when he was still a mod on OA, it made snese. Now, dude, it just fuckin sucks donkey ass. You change your underwear more than you change your name. I understand some people don't change thier names like I do, I haven't figured out that block feature.

Help this guy out people. He needs an AIM name in the worst way!

And please for the love of christ don't ask what his other names are, they are revolting at best.

- GonzoStyle - 08-18-2002

How is KIDTOUCHER a revolting AIM name?

- Sean Cold - 08-18-2002

Yeah, thats a great name. No, really, it is.

And you wonder why you get hit with more TOG's than King Nothing.

- Arpikarhu - 08-18-2002

i would go with sexmonkey. thats i see him :-D

- GonzoStyle - 08-18-2002

I have OAGonzoStyle

BTW First one to say EGGPLANT as my aim name gets banned.

- Arpikarhu - 08-18-2002

<span style='font-size:7.02pt;line-height:100%'>eggplant</span>

Edited By Arpikarhu on Aug. 18 2002 at 3:45

- Sean Cold - 08-18-2002

Quote:thats i see him

I think you may be missing a word in there somewhere, dude.

Quote:I have OAGonzoStyle

That is just sad.

- Baker - 08-18-2002

How about UncleG?

- Arpikarhu - 08-18-2002


- Hybrid - 08-18-2002


- Jack - 08-18-2002


- GonzoStyle - 08-18-2002

ANUSDELIGHT... I like the sound of that.


Jack's funney machine has been restored sir, full propulsion!!!!

Edited By GonzoStyle on Aug. 18 2002 at 3:54

- Hybrid - 08-18-2002


- drusilla - 08-18-2002


- Sean Cold - 08-18-2002


Ok, who wrote that for you Jack?

It could not have been you because it was funny.

- Tequila - 08-18-2002

He already has that one too

- Jack - 08-18-2002

I have a funny every once in a while. It usually takes me a couple of months to have one though.

- GonzoStyle - 08-18-2002



- Hybrid - 08-18-2002


- Sean Cold - 08-18-2002


That gag wasn't all that good when the Short Busers did it.

Plus, you forgot meat flaps.

Fuckin rookie. Sleeper would have done it right.