Stalker EX's - Printable Version

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- Maynard - 08-21-2002

Have you ever had one?

A few years back (maybe 6?) I had this girlfriend who's ex-boyfriend used to stalk her like there's no tomorrow. He used to call her all the time. She'd tell him not to call, but he'd call anyhow. He would drive by my house when we were there, he'd show up at places that we were.
I eventually pulled a baseball bat out and threatened to beat him within an inch of his life if he didn't leave her alone. He stopped after that.

Then, a few months later, I broke up with this girl. And you know what....SHE DID THE SAME FUCKING THING TO ME!!!

Luckily my new girlfriend was a hard ass, and threatened her in much the same way I did.

I haven't seen her since.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

Quote:I eventually pulled a baseball bat out and threatened to beat him within an inch of his life if he didn't leave her alone. He stopped after that.

I am soooo not coming on the 29th.....

I never had a problem with an ex, or an ex's old boyfriend.
I guess I am lucky that way....

- Buttmunch - 08-21-2002

You really thought I was scared of your puny baseball bat, tough guy?

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

No, but you sure were scared of DrunkBoys bat. :poke:

I don't think I would have actually hit him or anything. It was more of an intimidation thing. Well, it worked.

- Buttmunch - 08-21-2002

Obviously, you already know one of my stories...

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

LOL...yeah. I was on the board that night.....

Stalkers suck. They should all be disembowled. I understand love, but come on man. That's just taking it a bit too far.

- Kid Afrika - 08-21-2002

Yes maynard, we are all very impressed by your extensive and successful love life. Rolleyes

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

I have an old love that I lost,
it hurts....
at times I weep.

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

Well ken, stalking them isn't the answer.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

I wouldn't stalk,
that is just wrong.......

- GonzoStyle - 08-22-2002

I used to listen to froy describe how he was in love with fayth and how he was "trying to make contact" with her, does that count?

- Gooch - 08-22-2002

actually....just his fuckin pining over it for months is stalkerish enough. unrequited love sucks...but at least get some action or intimate time spent (not necessarily sex) to get that much wrapped up in it.

my lost fayth...

a poem by froy. to be published in numerous posts on oa, and soon to be a running column on OTL.

Dear fayth,
that's me on the phone,
are you all alone?
throw this dog a bone!
what's with this dialtone?
don't make me write more poems bitch!
don't you know i'm gonna be rich?
please help me scratch this 19 year itch,
cuz i left my lame horse in a ditch.

- GonzoStyle - 08-22-2002

I still remember the time he "got" her phone number after she changed it cause he was calling everyday. He was like fuckin columbo on crack. The letter was great, especially when she moved and changed jobs and didn't tell him, her address. Yet he found it anyway, yet it was normal in his mind.

- Gooch - 08-22-2002

actually never heard that. not surprised.

he never told me about it b/c when he met her, i warned him that he was going off the deep-end right off the bat, and it could be doomed just b/c of it. ever since i told him that, at the beginning, he never bitched to me about it b/c he would hear the "told you so". some things you can see miles away, before they happen, sometimes they sneak up...this one was obvious a long way off. he was having that high or junior high school embarassing crush where you make an ass of yourself. prob is, it was in college on someone he barely right off the bat....she must have been stunned.

- GonzoStyle - 08-22-2002


I stalked polyanna for a while cause I wanted to fuck her, she paid me no mind. I am still upset and wanna penetrate her but I'll wait.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-22-2002

:disappointed: My name has 2 Ls.

- Jack - 08-22-2002

Yeah. Some stalker you are. Can't even spell her name right. How dare you?

- Arpikarhu - 08-22-2002

i cant believe sean hasnt chimed in on this topic.

- Jack - 08-22-2002

The pain is too much. It might cause an aneurism just thinking about them.