I just lit my hair on fire - Printable Version

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- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002


- Jack - 08-22-2002

:rofl: Now that is fucking funny. :bow:

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

i almost started a fire in my dorm last year when i was playing with a lighter and tissues. good times

- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002


- HedCold - 08-22-2002

when i almost started that fire i stepped on it and it went out. don't really know how you can do that though. oh well

- fbd - 08-22-2002

i lit my leg hair on fire once...a small patch of it. it burnt out fast, but that spot was bald for months

- Jack - 08-22-2002


- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002

i banged my head against the wall, now the wall is on fire. why me?!?!?

- Jack - 08-22-2002

9-1-1 emergency. How may I direct your call. Can you hold?

- Maynard - 08-22-2002

Dude, just make sure you don't jerk off while your hair is on fire man. You don't want that spreading.

- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002

I need VG to come over and pee on my head, where the fuck is she?

- Jack - 08-22-2002

Quote:I need VG to come over and pee on my head, where the fuck is she?

Quote:above sleeper right next to the arizona iced teas , in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega


- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002 mistake

- Jack - 08-22-2002

Is it out yet? Cause I think I know the number to poison control. They might be able to help us out.

- Keyser Soze - 08-22-2002


Case: Hair On Fire

1. Log onto and post that your hair is on fire.

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

did this happen during your satan worshipping rituals?

- Maynard - 08-22-2002

Does that tip come before or after what to do when attacked by a mountain lion? :clueless:

- Jack - 08-22-2002

2. Bang head on wall to insure that house burns down!

- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002

Quote:Is it out yet? Cause I think I know the number to poison control. They might be able to help us out.
yea, no thanks to any of you though
Quote:1. Log onto and post that your hair is on fire.
I was already logged on thankyouverymuch

- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002

Quote:did this happen during your satan worshipping rituals?
imitating arpi won't make him your bestest buddy again