High skewl dropout check-in - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 08-27-2002

Am yuo a graduit of high skewl?

I ain't. But I have a college degree now (ok, it's an Associate's from DeVry, but it still counts).

If you didn't graduate, what year did you call it quits? Why? Are you upset that you did?

What, if anything, do you feel you missed out on because you didn't finish high school?

I quit in the 9th grade. Obviously, it wasn't that I couldn't pass. It was more that I wouldn't. I hated going to school. Especially here in Jersey.

I feel like I missed out on a shitload of football, and cheerleaders. I wonder what it would've been like to go to prom.

I guess I'm none the worse for the wear, but I wonder how differently my life would've gone had I finished high school.

In a way, I took a shortcut though. I got my GED (Good Enough Diploma) at 16, and started working full-time shortly thereafter.

- virgingrrl - 08-27-2002

class of 99 checking in.

i don't knock people who never graduated from high school. school in general isn't for everyone. Hell i should be graduating college this year. am i? nope, not even close. but i am one of those freaks who loved high school, was a part of clubs and all that silly shit. but as much as i loved it, im not still stuck in it. i hang out with only 5-6 people that i went to high school with, and we do not sit around every weekend and re-live the "glory days" that were high school.

*edit* kid don't be sorry you didn't go to your prom...its an over-rated dace. i didn't go to either of my proms...and i sure as Hell don't feel like i missed out. i said eff the prom and went down the shore early with all the "cool kids" and got all sorts of retarded.

Edited By virgingrrl on Aug. 26 2002 at 8:19

- Hey Ladi - 08-27-2002

class of 95.
I've blocked most of it out. Went to an academic school, Catholic school, I'm not sure if I learned anything useful. There wasn't much place for 'extra' interesting classes. My favorite was art though, I so should have found some direction earlier & stayed with it.

If I ever get off my ass, maybe it's not too late. :bouncer:

- IrishAlkey - 08-27-2002

I graduated with honors.


- GonzoStyle - 08-27-2002

I graduated both HS nad College but it didn't really mean shit in the end. Without knowing what you really wanna do. I basically went to college not cause I wanted to but cause I was forced to. College is one of those things that people feel everyone has to do just because. I have actually pondered going to a school like devry or chubb. Where you basically learn only what is necessary for your profession. No fuckin history, math, science, etc.

I went to college and just picked whatever, so I wouldn't hear any shit. I didn't pay for college and had fun outside of class, so it was cool. But I am honestly thinking of going for some courses or schooling for a new career. I don't wanna spend another 3 or 4 years in college.

- fbd - 08-27-2002

i didnt graduate


- Weird NJ - 08-27-2002

I dropped out in 97 and dropped back in, in 98. I did a summer school for English and still didn't pass because of some dumbass requirement for a term paper. I plagerized that a year and a half later.
I also hated college both times I tried going. I just really hated school, that and everyone was terrified of me. Hmm.. somehow I ended up hanging out with the hippies, go figure.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-27-2002

I graduated high school in '97 liked it better than junior high where I either contemplated suicide or a mass murder every day, but it wasn't my thing either....always found it kinda boring with the exception of a few classes. I did very well though, won a few awards yadda yadda...didn't mean shit after they were handed to me though.

- Keyser Soze - 08-27-2002

graduated high school and did 2 years at brookdale and then went off to rutgers, left rutgers 2 semesters short of my bachelors (business marketing) to make some cash (i paid my entire way through college, mommy and daddy don't subsidize me) and i plan on taking night classes to finish.

i had a blast in high school and the time i spent living in new brunswick and going to rutgers kicked ass as well. wish i could have finished at the time but life throws ya curveballs sometimes.

- Galt - 08-27-2002

Quote:I graduated with honors.

I got to wear the gold tassle too!!!!!

- Ken'sPen - 08-27-2002

alkey's gold tassles were pasties though....

- Galt - 08-27-2002

No one in the class cheered when they called your name, did they?

- Ken'sPen - 08-27-2002

actually in the real world I am loved......
for the life of me I can never figure out how that does not translate onto the board.....

- crx girl - 08-27-2002

i graduated with honours, got full scholarship for college and figured it's what we're supposed to do, so i majored in theatre which gave me a completely useless degree, but gave me 4 years of basically persuing hobbies for credit...

now, at 26 i'm finally figuring out what i actually want to do with my life, so i'm gonna go back...

- Galt - 08-27-2002

If we have graduation here Ken, I'll clap for you. Even if I'm the only one.

- IrishAlkey - 08-27-2002

I'll pretend I'm throwing my hat in the air, but I'll actually wing it at Ken's forehead.

- Ken'sPen - 08-27-2002

no graduations......
I'll never leave!!!!

- Hybrid - 08-27-2002

i graduated high school.

- IrishAlkey - 08-27-2002

You did?


- Hybrid - 08-27-2002

yea. i passed 3 years of math. holy crap in my pants am i smart.